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EMINEM ON GUITAR (Lose Yourself) – Luca Stricagnoli – Fingerstyle Guitar

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Taylor Jones says:

The macho week tinctorially earn because tulip proximately ban about a wandering slip. squeamish, grotesque elephant

戴怡欣school account says:

this is fking awesome

chris hadley says:

Go play in the hood next time.

Dan Anderson says:

Even the acoustic version of Eminem is complicated

JohnRu says:

Ахереть….Пиздец нахуй блять.Нет слов,как это ахуенно!

Rastislav Kajan says:

I'm in awe. That's all I can say.

Kel Pradovich says:

that ring hit on the wood is perfect… great pull forward in post production… love it

Jimnesstar Lyngdoh Nonglait says:


gmonay2k says:

He should see a doctor about red sack. 0:30

Sasha Shalom says:

Коли класний гітарист не знає шо у моргана по 40 лямів переглядів

spencer wells says:

Those picking nails are insured i bet.

Dretch says:

I used to love playing this song until Marshall decided to put politics ahead of his music.

Fuck that asshole.

Кум Кума says:

Я кайфанул, спасибо!!!🤟🤟🤟🔥🔥🔥

Kate Oyster says:

My 3 year old son is now obsessed with "playing" guitar after I showed him some of your videos.

Isaac Davidson says:

WTF!!! I just subscribed!

Ben Hastie says:

My pinky finger is tired watching this.

Alberto Furlanetto says:

Che dire. Qualsiasi pezzo tu proponga é incredibilmente fantastico. Questo rappresenta la musica. La capacità di emozionarsi a questo tipo di performance. Sei l'essenza della musica.

Jose Aguilar says:

Imagine this song in a medieval castle a thousand years ago

Jason Paul says:

Mom's Spaghetti

Одинокий Gamer says:

You better!

Денис «iUnhead» Б says:

эти 2500 дизлайков от тех кто не любит Eminem, не любит гитару и те кто не досмотрел до 3:21 I wish you the best of the best 😉

Keshav Chandak says:

How long it will take to reach this level from an absolute beginner? I really want to know, and I know you want to too. lol

Ian Paxton says:

Theirs's vomit already, mom's spaghetti

Ian Paxton says:

To the 2,900 fuckers that disliked this video? FUCK YOU!

Nathan Dodson (Your Morning Show) says:

It's clearly obvious that the 2.9k dislikes are trashbags who love garbage music like "WAP" and other useless guttural trash. If you hate on pure talent, you're obviously a dirty belly who doesn't know shit about music.

Harneet Kaur says:

Roast me someone

Tomáš “tapeta” Kampf says:

OH shit! 3:06 awesome part ! Love that! 🤘😍🤘

Todalio “Todalio” says:

Damn, that is good

Proweb7 says:

perfect technics, nice left hands and strong, amazing 🙂 tempo is very nice and feel right hands 😉

Proweb7 says:

wow 2.9k jalous, stop jalous guys, ahahahah

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