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Flea rare bass solo (?)

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Yagothemaster2 says:

Lol the "CC" ….

Zachary Devaney says:

Sounds more like les Claypool 

bloody025 says:

It's not flea, because it doesn't sounds like a flea bass and he doesn't play like this, he normally
plays better !!

Skaayoo FPS says:

Meu professor passou eu consigo tocar :D

Yagothemaster2 says:

I think this vídeo isnt "rare" anymore

RoadRiseAgainst says:

oh man, if you don't listen to him, then don't write such comments… so stupid…. you never heard "pretty little ditty" or "funky monks" …. man… so sad that you are living :/

Nathan Hartley says:

Check out Louis Johnson.

Mike Commerford says:

To slow for Flea.

Filip Blazic says:

then you don't know shit

David Palacios says:

What makes you say that?

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