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guy gets owned at Talent Show

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My cousin on the left showin his skill as the other guy not so lucky…


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griffo 707 says:

Lol bass solo on a normal guitar

Sonny Beau says:


yung tuols says:

That guy with the ugly ass dime bag gave me cancer I would've been cheering for the first dude he's a better guitar player

Jacob Miller says:

Was the fist dude really playing "anesthesia" on a guitar?

aadi bawa says:

SIZE definitely matters

Mitchell Sicard says:

What is the first song played?

Professor Brickenschpeil says:

All I see in this comments section is a bunch of pretentious guitar players hating on a couple of young kids playing solos and riffs from bands they love, with the skill set they acquired thus far. Musical superiority, unfortunately for all those pretentious retards, really doesn't exist. I'd rather have a humble beginner player playing with me than a pretentious douche who somehow finds personal satisfaction in putting everyone down cause they aren't as good.

Myles M says:

Wait is that him? On no that's the amp!

Richard Fortman says:

cool, "I can play Metallica solos" lol ( still a good guitarist though)
epic hair flip

#game freak says:

I know For shure the left one knows dimebag darrel from pantera

hanbrolo87 says:

Instant panty-dropper.

I AM TEXT says:

The quality of the video is equal to a bathroom fiasco

ProfessorCrimson says:

ah that was a nice Hangar 18 music vid

Marino Oliveira says:

Why so many dislikes?

tennisbuddys777 says:

My amp is bigger than yours lol!

skeglar says:

buddy with the short hair should've just sat down after guy with the long hair did his first piece. haha

John Perkens says:

Man, to think that these kids are probably in their thirties now.

Beverley Burke says:

yo it's a legitimate mine craft video


I wonder if he got a girl to touch his wiener for this.

Digdoog 618 says:


Monkeyfurshur says:

dude on the left is doing random shit and still whipping his hair like willow smith

West Texas says:

dudes got a bigger amp…    of course its gonna b a lil better

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