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How People Try Out Acoustic Guitars

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Music is Win says:

I regret the omission of dropping a pick into the sound hole and trying to get it out for 15min.

nz1208 says:

No Blackbird?

British Preacher says:

A,C,G is just cringe

tri mariyanto says:

Always try on G

Tristan 153 says:

Someone please! What song after nothing else matters???

yomommaiscalling says:

Pretty much everything I play is pentatonic nonsense.

Kiri - says:

Whats the song at 1:02?

Uddish Singh says:

Which song is he is playing on guitar at 1:12

C C says:

Funny, guilty as charged!

TheMarcRaspa says:

i know this video is 2 years old but did he actually walk into a store and do all that to an unsuspecting guitar store clerk?

colaco kid says:

got me on all Metallica, inappropriate electric guitar licks and trying to impress the store owner

bromec says:

What was the metallica song?

tim Rosenberg says:

All of the above +

Tune it to open g and play some Stones…….

Karen Alexander says:

High key i really want that guitar tho!

bazukowiec9 says:

0:28 song…?

seb_thoms says:

I was number 2 when I first started playing

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