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How to Play Electric Guitar Solos : How to Play Pedal Tones for Electric Guitar Solos

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Learn about pedal tones for an electric guitar solo in this free online music lesson video. Expert: John Armstrong Bio: John Armstrong has been teaching guitar at Keller Music for over 15 years now. He has played with countless musicians over the years, and in bands ranging from classical ensembles to rock groups. Filmmaker: Jason Sager


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sndgarden says:

:)))) this comment just made my day brighter, lol, really good one :)))

P4D3LL05 says:

a tutorial 1:20 minutes long isn’t a tutorial!!!

chrizmaster says:

without ur tabs, this video doesn’t make sense my friend

luitenant22 says:

exoertvillage sucks

telecaster24 says:

Thanks John I always learn something from and Expert and from someone who picks up the guitar for the first time…Was that a Eric Johnson lead from ” Cliffs of Dover ” tis thought so.. Thanks for the info…

chahid1992 says:

i dint saw a expert or a village and btw he sucks

musicgu7 says:


pessanhha says:

O nosso Deus do impossível, tem pressa então assisatam ao vídeo do Celso Rangel, Não há mais tempo e Ultimos Dias, você vai pensar e deixar o outro pensar também, confira!

brasileirorusso says:

armstrong, is your arm strong cuz when u was a child u spent all ur time jerking off?

Darkious says:

are they making money off this?

002frunzi says:

expertvillage: they cant explain snowboarding and obviously they cant explain anything else like playing a guitar, lol.

Sam Adams says:

0:41 to 0:45 sounded like cliffs of dover

MrCarneasada97 says:


Kickass1234567 says:

with the bandana?

DriesBraems says:

amazing, not

Omer Sela says:

Yngwie Malmsteen’s career is based on this stuff

André Luiz says:

Oah!! 136 people didn’t understand what did u wanted to say!! That’s nice, man, it’s a nice basic lead guitar rule

LesPaulFreak10 says:

That was some ExpertShit xD

mrdumbleboy says:


Daniel Angel says:


MacFart88 says:

@hiromel204, he is that guy from that p….! ;-))

onelastgame says:


naoseiqualeh says:

he is O_O

Dankfest says:

Well hey, at least now i know what NOT to play..

Eriq Deads says:


DrummerRF says:

I’m not a guitarist, but am i right if i notice that this sounds shit?

Isaac Rubio says:

thank you but you,re going to fast w the lesson were is the tab

luiz otavio Pires says:

He can barely speak!

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