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How to Play Electric Guitar Solos : How to Play Relative Majors & Minors for Electric Guitar Solos

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Learn about relative majors and minors for an electric guitar solo in this free online music lesson video. Expert: John Armstrong Bio: John Armstrong has been teaching guitar at Keller Music for over 15 years now. He has played with countless musicians over the years, and in bands ranging from classical ensembles to rock groups. Filmmaker: Jason Sager


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missjava4ever says:

good thanks

usuariosinmaz says:

i get it, because ive lernerd yet, but what about the guy who wants to take his fisrt learn fron this video?

Johnny Ford says:

This is actually pretty simple. It’s just a G scale going up the fretboard, how do you people not get it?

Puppylisious says:

ok cool, wicked…now, how do you do that?

Houssam Lehouichmi says:

………….. Wow cool … So How to Play Relative Majors & Minors for Electric Guitar Solos :/

Gabrielius Rimeika says:

U forgot to type “For beginners”

maplegodx150 says:

OK THE NEXT STEP WOULD BE, wait what the fuck was the first step?

butty41 says:

This guy looks like he has just come out of the navy SEALS, i would not want to disapoint him playing guitar…

CouncilHater2009 says:


Thomas Wright says:

he seems enthusiastic…

stringsnsticks says:

Its a tick most guitarists have 😉

Josef Secillano says:

i hate the people who sayhis video, “if you like this video,thumbs up!”

Adsum830 says:

i know the damn scales, i wanna know how to get a solo out of it and make it sound like its not just a bunch of random notes that have nothing to do with one another

alifiz1996 says:


SSj4Gonzas says:

This is Howie Do IT. Hey howie how you’r doin? fail

demon12614 says:

holy f**k 138,714 videos :O

DesmondMondBaer says:

0:17 xDDD

But cool video.;D

arvlav says:


dvreaux says:

I agree completely. I have worked on improving my own lead with scales and theory. That’s how it works for me. I’ve gotten a LOT faster than I ever was, but it’s not about speed. I’d say it’s about EXPRESSION.

55jared says:

god this vid sucked ass!!!! taught me absolutely nothing! what a douche!

Mag Games says:

psh fk this vid, i are play geetar goodly =D

chrishcyp says:

fuckin muppet

Glass4water says:

WTF! XD!. He is talking to himself 😀

LezcanoHector says:

Fuck you and your solo. The only i was understand: YOU`RE AN ASSHOLE

Ethan Parrett says:


boddah1337 says:

it sounds good to end a scale of something and after a time it’s motoric u know
I’m mean you do it automatically after a demo os sg.
me too

MrPinballproductions says:

i fucking hate it when people bend the strings at the end of whatever theyre demonstrating, what the fuck is the point?

Gigglesxhx says:


blackpuma000 says:

you should do cartoon voices

ZileyXD says:

Duuuude just cuz you play fast does`nt mean your good xD your rather bad, quite franklyyy, weooo fancy word momentt, ANYHOO being a good at something is when you have passion, determination and all that chiz, in whatever your doinn c; kbyee

MrDestroyer3000 says:

that made it more clear. Where can I learn all that things, should i buy a book or something?

MrDestroyer3000 says:

i didnt get it. I personally also play tabs, i have no idea when is major, minor, what note or scale or whatever. I just dont have a teacher, i lern by myself. Tell me why this is bad and i will learn these things.

dsoto3705 says:

OMG Howie Mandel :O

westlife4life says:

LOL London Tipton XD

joshrulz94 says:

This is probably the only expertvillage video (that has to do with music) that I’ve seen that is actually informative. Sure, there isn’t any real soloing in the vid, but that doesn’t matter. These scales/modes are what really allow you to solo without having to put out much effort.

dunavidrava says:

its not hard to play.. you only have to know the scales

Armando Geerts says:

i would like to ask you guys how long and wide an electric guitar is, thanks

Chase Christie says:

lmao, he’s not showing off, he’s just showing that he can play scales XD

alexanderthewraith says:

Once you learn the major scale you have the template for ALL scales.

westlife4life says:

wtf…. this is gibberish

Kogiism says:

wtf this is bull sht hes just showing off! ! -_-

TheNightsMoon says:

i quite agree.

TheNightsMoon says:


JamieC1998 says:

sorry meant to thumbs up !

JayCee898 says:

this guy is just showing off…

MiesoPL says:

I love this guy! :))

TheXxboggyxX says:

my name is Dorian!!!

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