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How to REALLY Play Bar Chords – A Beginner Guitar Tutorial

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How to play a bar or barre chord on the guitar! In this beginner lesson, Philadelphia guitar instructor Rob Swift demonstrates how barre chords are developed from our common open chords. The proper technique is broken down into simple steps, as you also learn to quickly identify bar chords across the fret board. Let’s get started!
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kcn 1207 says:

This was very helpful for me, just the explanation of the chord shapes moving up the frets. Thank you

Saanvi Tripathi says:

Is the bar chord supposed to hurt my wrist that much-

Oskari Seppälä says:

Any tips? A major barres are very difficult cause all 3 fingers won't fit easyly after 4fr..

pin pon says:

For everyone struggling, have the tip of your index finger slightly above the neck. It's an important cue that can make it a lot easier IMO

Kendall Revin says:

ok now this deserves a subscribe

Grace Liaw says:

I watched this last November and my breakthrough moment with the F chord came when I used my arm weight

Steve Davis says:

Great lesson Rob. Thumb placement makes all the difference in the world. More than the half way point behind the neck. Huge help. Thanks

goffdroid says:

They will make ya cuss

Andrew Rodriguez says:

Does it matter if I'm trying in my classical? Cus my hands feel like shit and im losing my fucking shit

wildturkey3776 says:

Why is it always people with tiny hands. Where are the big fat handed guitar instructors !!!!!

Mr Canarsie says:

ive made peace with the fact that I will never play barre chords. It's okay ive written 18 songs without them

Evan Deenik says:

I'm following everything in this video and my top notes still sound muted. It isn't my thumb, and I'm applying as much pressure as I can. Any advice?

Kelvin Konvenz says:

The guitar sounds good when played ,but when im playing it ,men I struggle

Mayo says:

I'm about to lose my finger and you're paying my hospital bill.

Titus Stanley says:

Dude you are seriously awsome. Thankyou for this lesson.

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