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I can’t believe this happened!! 🤯 #music #guitar #guitarsolo

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Eric Harper says:

play the “m.i.a. – avenged sevenfold” solo

EriccoValentino Palma says:

God Bless these moments they are absolutely priceless!!!

Jeremy Miller says:

he could afford to give him a real les paul.

TortillasAreNotBiceps says:

Eric Johnson all like, doppelganger is that you?

Kings Echo says:

This should be called played a bunch of Eric Johnson licks.

Matt Lombardi says:

That’s so bad ass!

Carlos Cappellini says:

Yes, he is only good for that…

Frozzic X says:

Lil armstrong

DAN IEL says:

I thought it’s John Mayer 😂

Jimi Andrix says:

Ah here's the famous B string bender, nice tricks with it! Really good Eric Johnson style gigs;)

John Luna says:

No such thing as a les paul worth $400k. That's a total fraud for insurance not real world valuation as an instrument. All instruments, just like diamonds, are intrinsically worthless. Shaped wood, some coils of wire, a little paint…the entire value is in the person playing it. So that being true it went from $4k in his hands to about 40 cents in yours.

Trisha Sherman says:

There ain’t nobody better than Zakk Wylde. Period.

Andrew Wooten says:

Proof good looks matter more than other things… add skill and you are invincible

Naam en rugnummer bekend says:

Tuurlijk, 😂 script

Rob Radley says:

Starts playing cliffs of dover in the battle 😂

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