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I Hired PRO Bass Teachers and Pretended to be a BEGINNER…

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I took some more bass lessons from pro bass teacher and I faked and pretended to be a beginner… but I couldn’t resist to SLAP and this happened..

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BASS TEACHERS in this video:
jenkinsrhys: https://www.fiverr.com/share/EEaGg0

Andre Miranda: https://www.fiverr.com/share/A0KNGB

Lucasguida: https://www.fiverr.com/share/9z1Vd0 ;

Polite Mabhena: https://www.fiverr.com/share/2W43pk

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Davie504/
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My Signature Bass: http://chownybass.com/product/evo-davie504-signature

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5m7SFVMTfNvv7dyqfa00G3
iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1122291881?ls=1&app=itunes

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Hope you’ll like it!

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Nd_28 says:

4:35 song?

Anthony Goree says:

2:01 Amazing slapp

Hybrid Miranda says:

I didn't know JackSepticEye taught bass


At 3:00 you can see him smile

Daniel McGlaughlin says:

BEAUTIFUL!!!! Ahahahahaha

Neil Brown says:

i feel like the first teacher was dying inside

Densmorde says:

Davie Yiannopolous

Davi Viana says:


Hudson-Fit says:

Dudes, I went down the rabbit hole on Youtube and it landed me here. I’m clueless about guitars, but this is so freaking awesome to watch 😂
Loved this 👌🏼

Bhavisya Ratna says:

Moral: Davie cannot even pretend to be a beginner

bobpoopyay20 Shirley says:

Whats the name of the song artist that David says at 4:34

marian Hernandez says:

second teacher: can you give me some advice?
Davie: youre suppose to teach me

John Barrow says:

Smoke on the Water?? HAHAHA

Zk BOss says:

2:47 very effecient for a "begginer"

joshua jones says:

That Tears in Heaven piece was straight BEAUTIFUL

Donnelle Raeburn says:

ngl i don't like the bass much, but if i had to play it, it would be on an acoustic guitar 🙂

Curtis Woods says:

Sometimes he seems so depressed it makes me feel sad but it's funny as hell at the same time

Curtis Woods says:

The teacher is like "Dude is a prodigy."

Curtis Woods says:

"Teach me something harder " totally expressionless lol

Curtis Woods says:

His demeanor is so cool lol

Wolenv says:

Pretty badB ass Davie. You can do more and transcend yourself. I change you to paint with your feet and chew bubble gum while being drunk doing all the top 10 best bass solo's in 10 min.

Fredrik H says:

I don´t like slap bass at all but somehow you have made me listen to it for a plenty of hours now these past 2-3 months (since I first saw your channel) and enjoyed it immensely. Don´t like "comedy" as such either, but have had your videos making me laugh outright a lot lately, which rarely happens.. You´re a KiLLeR player, and very funny, something very rare nowadays. Salute

matotuHELL says:

3:34 Davie trying not to laugh.

Joanna says:

What's the song called at 4:30?

Samuel says:

this is so wholesome

Zack Moore says:

I didn't know Borat played bass

Toasted Gaming says:

2:39 that smug little smile LMAO 😂

9 lettere says:

sounds italian to me

Muridtah Matgnas says:

Person: oh hi! U must be the new student
Davie: takes off necklace
Person: *gasp Davie?

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