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INCREDIBLE Billie Jean on Acoustic Guitar

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An unique and incredible acoustic rendition of Billie Jean by Michael Jackson performed live in front of record company reps to win the ClearChannel Superstar Contest. If you are a rock music or accoustic fan you need to CHECK THIS OUT! For more information, please contact info@sureshotgroup.com


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ecliptic1101 says:

He’s bad ass!!! Great version!

dismissed7 says:

Billie Jean in the style of John Mayer yall!!!

digitulpunk says:

Good stuff.. singing is nice.. but the playing is a lot better..

wsgiessen says:

really cool!

Jonathan Herrera Basurco says:

its cool man!!!!!!! fantastic

pjppjp24 says:

i like it. Pretty John Mayer.
Great song to work with, cool playing and good singing too. 5*s to you.

Lucas Michael Luzzi says:

simple AMAZING!!!!!

Kyle James says:

DAmn THAT WAS AWESOME!! Come To Clinton County To our Open mics here!! Thats Awesome!!

JoyrideBellyfire says:


Paul Higgins says:


ohgeeeez says:

pretty sweet man

neomaster007 says:

that was WICKED!!

Logan says:


Lucas Biittner says:

veryyy, veryyy, veryy good man!!!!


Billie Jean is don´t my looooverr!! 🙂

mercadanize61 says:

yo yo yo thats dope fo sho
you need 2 record more !!
peace out man

jazmeena35 says:

did he won the contest?yah,nice version great voice and backing up his own song hahaha!!aiwa!!

beachxbumx07x says:

i love this song, and this was really good ♥

aminuk23 says:

that was fucking awsome

jimmiacoustic says:

i wanna hear the al green song as well!!!

ajiscool11 says:

He made that his own.

ajiscool11 says:

nice, grats the most different i saw for a while. thats a good thing

jimmiacoustic says:


NealWolf says:

Hey Man,
That was incredible, really surprised with the vocals.
Wish all the Luck to you.

NealWolf says:

Hey man,
that was amazing, really surprised with the vocals.
Wish all the luck to you!

LILSTYLA816 says:

bw0y yu can sing

mo48 says:

some one should teach this version to chris cornell…

phonzlocka says:

boy can sing man!

al7096 says:

you are my hero. love it.

CalumRoss3 says:


Jake Watson says:

i just crapped myself i think.

beauceron says:

I went in skeptical, but that was damn good. 5 from me.

alexandria1st says:

will you play that at my wedding??

KristinaRoa says:

Your hands….they’re so fast! What a great, great job!

rhoejaqueswift says:

Best Ever, Chris Cornell tried it and suck. This guy should get all M.J.s royalties from that song.

remain666 says:

dude got the feeling

JLIHN says:

Uhh, very very great!!!

Mjall2 says:


Bolomo says:

simply incredible……a genious…

McKnightmare4 says:

That dude just KILLED it!

I’m gonna try to tab this song for anyone who wants to learn it

country42us says:

Most amazing remake of billie jean I’ve ever seen or heard. Amazing!!!

mesui says:

He’s really great!!
I love it!
One of the best covers I’ve seen…

TBONE889 says:


i loved. i mean i can play guitar but bro bffff

LathelSiRedrum says:

too good for words…wish i could play guitar…..

DJAS1 says:


Phantomsbreath says:

Damn that’s cool.

benoitrox says:

this guy can sing

TheAcousticVersion says:

i was searching for Chris Cornell’s version, and came across this! Great job!

capelipl says:


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