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Insanely Amazing Guitar Solo 2

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Fernando Miyata – Brazilian Guitarist
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whatthehell406 says:

That was great! I can solo good but not like that. Great job!

JohnnysJazz Bernay says:

I may have presumed, but this wonderful Composition I fins to Move Me Spirit in a similar way I remember upon hearing Scheherazade by Rimskey-Korsakav as a child in 1958. This and other Classical Music causes the Mind & Spirit to Fly….and I has the same experience upon Listening this, this time….as Deka Red mentions, I also too first found this about 2007. I come & listen again every a so while.

Alex Morgan says:

picks up guitar
sees video
puts guitar down

Brian Bass says:

The universe suddenly went out of focus and bowed to the empirical revelation that resounded in the void with majestic vicissitudes and monolithic distinction when he finessed his six-stringed hammer of cacophony!  Sound has been redifined by his talent. You, sir, have been granted absolute authority over all the musical masters.

Killspiracy says:

this man is the best guitarist I've ever seen

Invision Creations says:

I give UP.

Cameron Stuhler says:

its a good solo but a lot of it kinda doesn't fit in the background music at times

Deka Red says:

This brings me back. This was one of the first videos I ever saw on youtube

Vicente Ferreira says:

Fernando Miyata é um dos maiores talentos que o Brasil tem…Como ele, existem milhares aqui no Brasil… O Brasil tem uma riqueza cultural enorme, então somos influenciados por diversos tipos de cultura musical e isso reflete na qualidade dos nossos músicos… Infelizmente as pessoas ficam pagando pau pra gringo, mas temos artistas até mais ricos culturalmente e tecnicamente do que muitos mundialmente renomados, a exemplo disso é o nosso mestre Kiko Loureiro, dentre outros é claro…

Angelo DelSenno says:

Phenomenal understanding of music theory here. I'm curious if he's self-taught? Some of the chord pairings and alternates are things I wouldn't have even thought of.

thepete841 says:


Chip Whackerman says:

This guy gets me pumped, I have to play, he raised the bar. ..

anass mouradi says:

all you have to do is compose songs like foxy lady – voodoo child and you'll have your name graved with the legends

Ewok Martinez says:

Anyone know his name?

rick flare says:

alot better than the first one would like to collaborate some ideas with yea

gordiflu says:

Insane technique… And beautifully played. This man is awesome.

G Burns says:

Ridiculous talent!!!

Roy “Thorskull” Darvin says:

This guy is Professor Fernando Miyata from Brazil so all his licks are legit, you haters out there you wanna contest it to a guitar professor?

jacinth mungvah says:

He played so well. But y do he mention da word insanely amazing.instead let me name the tittle s insanely hypocrites guitarist…. Such an asshole.. Even van helen. Paul gilbert, maamsteen, etc doesn't mention da word amazing.. Fuk

lolstrass says:

Why is he not in a rock band that was awesome!!!! wanna hear more!!!!

19jomama says:

:47-50 super slick.  Fernando's the best alive.

cbond99 says:

You just inspired me to play guitar again after almost 3 years of not playing. ~ Thanks

Víctor Garsva says:

Simplemente espectacular este señor…!

slim_pickins says:

Some days in life you just have to tip your hat and recognise greatness. This kid is simply stellar!

Sam Coon says:

How can I put this without sounding like a hater? It seems that the song doesn't match the video. It's like a produced in a studio song with a video filmed in a bedroom . See what I mean? If he is really playing that, awesome playing! If it is dubbed, well…..

GreenPandaGamez says:

that looks a bit fake

MALCKAI50 says:

This guy is from another world, has every skill going and more. ORSOME … must practice 24-7.

MrStfmg says:

Oh My Gooooooooooooooood !!!

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