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Jean Baudin; Bass guitar Super Mario theme song

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This video is of Jean Baudin playing an 11 stringed base guitar to super mario bros. theme. NOT MY WORK, found on diffrent website.


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Ileana Mihailean says:


Oleg Garipov says:

but can he do it by left hand and right foot?… please

Oleg Garipov says:

oh, fuck it, this guy is an alien, and it is another galaxy musical instrument, call mib real quick

fajar hidayat says:


InputSilver9 says:

knowing most bass players, those are the same strings he has on his bass right now.

Betcha Sorrie says:

the actual song isnt even that fast

jojorobino5312 says:

I can barely keep track of 6 strings.

whoah1988 says:

I surely hope that is certified wood.

serpantseed08 says:

10 Years ago I remember watching this and said to myself, "I will be as good as this guy"…I am now an Engineer.

stevetherex13 says:

aight, i play a 6 sting bass and, to many stings bro…

紗那 says:


Brian Bernstein says:

now do it with your feet

Bubbs says:

thats not a bass, thats a piano with frets

The Drifter Within says:

It sounds so much like World Music, like something from Paul Simon's Graceland.

banana_j0e says:

where the fuck would you find tabs for a bass like that xD

Crud says:

Ahh jesus the memories I remember watching this video like 7 years ago.

Don't look at my picture says:

I would ask you for taps but never mind

Daniel Willday says:

black metal was play one year blood stock

Harris says:

0:53 lol

fernando vega says:

el toca excelente , pero el instrumento es poco util

fernando vega says:

que instrumento tan feo y estupido

Dhanny says:

that sounds so nice

TRav Ter says:

Look at me, I'm playing a 42 stringh bass

Jacob Davis says:

He can do two hand tapping on an 11 string bass. But he can't play in fucking time. Buy a metronome. 

blast beatz says:

Meshuggah will now have an idea on how many strings they need on their guitar on the next album.

dyerseve mx says:

Ken Lawrence bass, this man is an artist.

dllort69 says:

Zac Kim does it a lot better 

Inhale Green Exhale Dream says:

This have more strings attached than me and my gf.

apirayut chatjoho says:

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James Stephens says:

Holy crap that was amazing.

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