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jimmy page’s best solo

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the best solo by jimmy page hearthbreaker


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jake schleifer says:

And imagine how good he could play sitting down!

Marion S. says:

I'm on my way right now to listen to Get the Van Halen Out……What, they don't a have a show called Get the Van Halen Out? Ahhhh, but anywhere in the United States at 7:00 pm you can hear GET THE LEAD OUT on the radio! Yay

Dementia Praecox says:

it is shit…

SkhairKro89 says:

It's nothing to do with the Style, it's the Fingering Technique and his instability to play anything clean. Mute Strings much? I don't think so.

SkhairKro89 says:

Sounds Like S**t!

Clark Griswold says:

Maybe it's one of those joke dubs.

Clark Griswold says:

It's shit. Stoner shit.

Elliott Mills says:

Loving the e minor bourre motif before the band comes in. Friggin sweet.

Jorge Daniel Marin says:

best solo?….muy sobrevalorado

C Iand says:

The thunder of the gods. Their not a just a band, their true musicians of their time
Saw them 3x at the Garden NYC after 3hrs a show with no breaks no performances today can come close. I'm am so fortunate to see them in their prime. 100bil sold

Алексей Нестеров says:

Шняга какая-то, он лучшее могёт

Ben - says:

3:11 is that Bourree?

David Krebs says:

Good writer, shitty player.

Tommy KNIGHT says:

you don't like this something's wrong with you Jimmy Page is one of the best

elwood127 says:

Not even close. Though not a solo, best jam ever is Dazed and confused. Period. P.s. I'm glad they stole the songs. Way better than originals.

charles dock says:

by far not his best performance but truly the greatest guitarist of our time..much respect,,

Maryann Weiss says:

He hits every single spot-I mean chord-every time …..(sorry…. awestruck lusting female) back to comments on his skills)! but if he needs a handmaiden in the afterworld….hell would be paradise…..god or demon….magic either way

Maryann Weiss says:

I have to wholeheartedly agree this is sexiest solo I've seen…..this man is magically talented, pure sweaty testosterone with a sweet smile, I believe he is a god……

David Johnson says:

Of all the guitar pickers…next to hendrix…pagey does it for me

Gunz Addams says:

Best solo? I can't imagine the worst.

Ragnaard Courtepattes says:

I just want to say : Maggot Brain by Eddie Hazel.

Lenorain says:

I hate Jimmy Page,
kick those faggots off the stage,
blah blah lyrics

marcin hutas says:

what does Jimmy plays in 3:00 ?

marcin hutas says:


Lena Nylonista says:

The truth is this solo is total shit (relative to then or now) because page was drugged out of his gourd. Sounds like when we all first started learning guitar and would try to solo on 10. Total forgettable shit. He's played better. He's played worse. Like all musicians he took elements from other players and cultures and made it his own. While he blatantly stole a bunch of shit, the guy had his own unique phrasing and tone, and is a legend. Plus you gotta love his pants.

Asdfg Asdfgh says:

it is easy to play if you practice .But here improvisation.Imposible to make something like thet

06stiismine says:

This is enjoyable to watch, mistakes and all. I'm reading the comments and no one has mentioned stevie ray vaughan and his amazing live shows. To me he is the greatest guitarist, especially live. Not my favorite, but the best, if you dig. Talk about feeling and emotion and making the guitar emulate those feelings so everyone understands where you're coming from…some have come close, but no one can quite reach him. just my opinion, so please don't get butthurt.

Brian Conway says:

I'll take heartfelt imperfections over soulless machinery any day…

Ricardo Grande says:

Happy Birthday! 73th!

Ryan Brown says:

The only man I can think of who could conduct a symphony orchestra with his guitar. Happy birthday Jimmy Page

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