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John Williams – Cavatina (Live 1979)

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John Willams giving a flawless performance of his classic interpretation of Stanley Myer’s Cavatina in 1979. Is it just me, or does JW look like the late great Peter Cook?


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Randi Årikstad says:


Djinnjaha says:

If that'd been Peter Cook playing the piece on the stage in that video – it would probably have been given a Victor Borge type treatment! 😛

R james says:

which numbskulls putting thumbs down? my theory is they do it just to annoy!.

Budgeting Virtual Warfare says:

the Bach of our times

Steve&Lisa GodPhreys says:

I feel like I have fum-bled with trying to play Cavatina forever.
But when I hear John play it with such feeling it just gives me the inspiration to try more.
No fumbles with John, Just FunBless.

Fatih Murat Belli says:


PaulMcCartney4Ever12 says:

Here's to Nick…

Mohammad Al Shalaldeh says:

My favorite music, my favorite piece, played by a favorite one. Cavatina is really a great thing which has impacted me!!!!! Whenever I feel sad or weak I listen to it and really it changes my mood! Its something can't be explained in words. I am listening to it over years and years and its still keeps its own value, MAGIC.

dominic murphy says:

I had this played at my father in laws funeral.
He survived the battle of the Atlantic and was twice torpedoed. A very moving piece of music.

Gregory Jay Valent says:

I may have mentioned before, JW doesn't look like Peter Cook, He's a dead ringer for Spalding Gray.

AceKa says:

Anyone else got to listen for homework 😭😭😭

黃耀中 says:

Great performance except the guitar was out of tune…

Saint Dufus says:

It's hard to spot John Williams in this 47-year-old version of him.

Welmyr del Rosario says:

I had tears 😭 watching the movie "The Deer Hunter" with this beautiful music in the background.

Austin Jeon says:

i was wondering if there's any remastered version out there. The audio quality is poor and the guitar is more or less out of tune for that.

Muki Jones says:

is he woody manns brother?

ConorFG says:

i play gutair and that is hard

kilroygraphics1 says:

Die Gitarre ist verstimmt und die Akustik bzw. die Tonaufnahme besch…
Da kann hier noch so viel gejubelt werden: Man braucht sich zum Vergleich nur Ana Vidovic anzuhören…

Bolin Hong says:

What a great performance. I love it.

Daryl Ali says:

This piece is wonderful and soothing. IT reminds me of the movie "Parent Trap" when the girls switched and Hallie was going to her mom's home in london in the Taxi. 🙂

gjvalent says:

Looks more like Spalding Gray to me.

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