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JOHNNY B. GOODE – Guitar Lesson

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tazman292 says:

Thanks so much, great lesson and well done, a few parts were hard to see, during some of the more complex parts, but I think I can re watch and eventually get it, you made a hard song for me look somewhat easy, I never thought I could ever play that song, and you made one of my dreams come true thanks loads, respect and appreciation.

DarkRoninNr1 says:

Thanx for the lesson!!! Easy to follow and in A! Perfect! You could take the KEY of A in the Video-Name for more views i think!

John Raymond Dunstan says:

Thanks great lesson

Adam Prime says:

Best tutorial. Thanks.

Lahle Wolfe says:

Thank you so much for doing this in A. You are right — just about every band does it in A and yet it seems you are one of the only one teaching it in A!

kidritalin1 says:

The perfect breakdown. Thank you Thank you Thankyou!


That was Sweet and Simplified..rock roll🎸🎶😎


Thanks !!!

Hagler design says:

Well done. easy to understand. Thanx much.

jason evans says:

awesome tuition absolutely fantastic

A_Wise_Young_Man says:

Why did he play it in B flat if it's much easier to play in A?

Thijs Lous says:

where can i find the singing version of this i like yourre voice

seattwa says:

I've noticed that you play a few different Dillion guitars. Did you modify this ES335 at all?

Rodriguez Mojica says:

Great lesson!! Really love the way you broke this down

josh brown says:

why is it that this video makes you look like marty mcfly for back to the future seem like he's trying to recreate his teenage years, good job with the vid it helped alot!

Terence Molloy (tel.) says:

Very good, these little videos are great, couldn't play these licks to save my life,
But I do find them interesting, thanks you guys,

Fatz Treeboy says:

you are so high :)

Rudy Perez says:

Awesome lesson. A million thanks, guy!

Player Juan says:

whats the theme at the beginning of the video?

Patrick Robinson says:

Thanks for the lesson. Very helpful.   Are you Canadian by chance?  You accent suggest that you might be. Thanks.

Stephan Regenass says:

Cool Dude

Zen Blender says:

Great Instructional Video! Always wanted to learn this but never found the right teacher, until now.
… I learned this in about an hour.

njmetfan says:

Fantastic lesson. Thank you so much!!

Jeff Hartmann says:

We need to talk asap it's very important

krossbowKerry says:

Dear Mr Tube, could you make every lesson like this. The history behind the tune is pure platinum!

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