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Johnny Cash – Hurt – Easy Beginner Guitar Lesson – Easy Acoustic Song

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Robert Wilson says:

0:45 Verse Am C D
4:09 Chorus G Am F C, G Am F C,
G Am F G, G Am F G

Schecter EvilTwin says:

You G sounds out of tune! I dunno if its the mic or the tunning but yeah

Katrina Average-potato says:

What does the numbers and x mean ?

Becher Ben Mansour says:

Amazing tutorial.

silverback c says:

What's a good biggener brand guitar to start with

Crystal Croxon says:

you're the bomb

pani63 says:

Nice job man. Your easy to follow along with

bhargav sripathy says:

Hey marty u are an amazing teacher for us . I learnt lot better by seeing ur videos . Thank u very much . Please keep doing a great job . 👍

Life in Motion Outdoor Channel says:

Because of you I can now play my favorite song when I was kid! You put serious time and effort into these videos and I can’t thank you enough. Thank you Marty!

Rekiem4ADream says:

sounds like faded

Albert Eagan says:


Respect says:

I'm learning this for LOGAN
Cuz he must not be forgoten!

ימית2000 says:

what are you in for?

thuinbi23444 2 says:

it has been 2 weeks i got a guitar in my hands and i can play this because of you THANKS!!

UnDEAD END says:

This is one of those songs where if I'm like "I need to cry for a few mins" I play it. throw in R.E.M's "Everybody Hurts" and Micheal Jackson's "Man I'm the Mirror". Shit a baby doesn't sleep that good after. <—- Fight Club reference

jakethesteak UWU says:

Dude you're amazing! Thank you so much

it daaave clarke says:

Get uр tо 1000$ short tееrm loаn hеrее => https://twitter.com/9b7e19512eee5d182/status/822777246943326208

Ulises Rafael Molluso says:

genius! thanks, will try it! very well explain 😉 like and suscribing 😉

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