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Travis McCoy: Billionaire – Easy Songs to Learn on Acoustic Guitar – Guitar lessons

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Grace Hampton says:

i have never played guitar in my life and littoraly know nothing about it but i learnd how to play trouble by ray somthing i forget his last name in like an hour so thanks and your awesome. ps i used my sisters guitar which she got like 4 yrs ago and she was super jealous because she still cant figure out how to play anything😎😂 you are the greatest.

Vampire_Alpha_ says:

I couldnt make the E at 1:15 augh..

אליעד ורטמן says:

cant play the A chord.. my classic guitar ends at the 12 fret, is that possible?

Revenant Zero says:

hey Marty can u pls make a guitar duo with Gareth Evans pls

Ash Ketchum says:

Any tips on bar chords?? every time I play one, it hurts my hand

ras760 says:

He explains slowly so I can follow easily

ras760 says:

This guy is best

Kirito Like Waffles says:

Yep I'll never learn how to play this guitar wasted my money on crap .-. Im done first day and can't even learn the chords and such ugh im done

GamingDemon597 says:

you do really fun songs But can you teach people how to play When you leave plz its a really cool fun song plz plz teach it

Mayuresh Chaphekar says:

you play awesome
can you upload videos for flamenco technique?

Ricardo Wesley says:

thanks so much… muito obrigado, sou do Brasil, você está de parabéns

Mr. Drugs says:

4:00 😐 …

Brandon Halpin says:

you are the man… marty is life

Truth is A path less land . says:

It took me one week and half to learn how to play this song . Thank u so much Marty Swartz

Nathan Rodriguez says:

I can't make my guitar sound like that

Adam Casares says:

Omg, okay so six years ago I got my first guitar for my birthday, I was ten, and I had no clue how to play anything, once I found your videos they were the most helpful things ever, now I play for a church, a school, and I have my own band, literally owe it all to you. I never could get one of your e-books, and I always wanted one, but instead I just watched your videos and applied them to playing guitar in general, and now I play guitar all the time and I'm planning on making a career of it, now I'm watching this video and having all these memories flood back to me of your other videos, I just want to say thank you for teaching me practically everything I know, I hope we can meet someday and jam in a few years or so lol

Tony Wilson says:

The Schwartz is with us

supahpenguin7 says:

How do you cut the sound off and keep the chords from ringing out?

squisherglobe4 says:

You are the best inernet guitar teacher ever thank you so much for making these videos your a legend

COOL3R says:

Dude you are awesome. I just recently started playing the guitar and from watching your videos I have learned so much and play pretty good. Hands down best guitar teacher out there.

maria elena Carr says:

your the best guitar teacher here in youtube im still a beginner but i find your lessons so simple

David Woo says:

Thanks for teachinf me your so amazing and funny but as a beginer my barre chords have the buzzing sound to it 

Yass Gaming says:

Hey ! You're awesome i like your style u'r a legend !

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