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Knocking on Heaven’s Door – Super Easy Acoustic Songs for Guitar – Guitar Lesson

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Marty Music says:

Thanks for watching MartyMusic! Free Digital Guitar Coures when you sign my newsletter at http://www.MartyMusic.com thx!

paul johnson says:

Thanks Marty

paul johnson says:

Woohoo, I can play….

Shawn Schnoering says:

My man Marty! Great teacher my dude thank you, I never thought I could learn how to play, but thanks to your videos I'm slowly picking up one of the greatest gifts to man…making music

Paul Chinook says:

Your videos have done me wonders to learn guitar. Thank you so much Marty! Keep them coming!

Splashgun TV says:

I Love IT when You sing knocking on the heavens G And all the Nother notes😂😂😂❤️

Alex Johnston says:

Learning this for my mom.
She had this played at my sister’s funeral (her first born) and I’m an idiot for not having it played at hers. I know I’m late, and she’ll never hear it, but when I learn it I’m going to go down to her grave and play it for her

Dan Desbiens says:

hi Marty, any chance you can do Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet

Kevin Marsden says:

you made this song so easy to play

collin otte says:

I am a beginner lefty playing on a righty guitar and I can’t figure what fingers to put on these cords someone please help me

THUMBS-tube ! says:

You an awesome teacher but I absolutely suck at guitar and I can’t even get my “d”s to sound right, or like an cord I play, I’ve had my guitar for like two year and can’t play one song

Craig Palmer says:

Very good I have been practicing the 8 beginner lessons and 5 beginner strum lessons every day headway

Sam Moses says:

Is this BOB DYLAN?? 🤢🤮

Drew Castillo says:

"Just kidding". Love this channel. Been watching ya for a while now 🙂 Super helpful!

Navyl Madrid says:

I thought the third finger had to be in the 1st string third fret???…

Judd Hoff says:

You are so awesome. Your amusing and fun! Who raised you? What did they instill in you to make you so genuine?

Nour el Houda Boulcherab says:

Thank you marty! You're the best 💕

Patrik Nilsson says:

Hello, i am just a beginner, but could you put out some songs with Alter Bridge, thanks for a great youtubechannel 👍

Nicholas Silva says:

You showed how to do the first cord and then the second you said keep your ring finger in the same spot and didn't really say were to put the other fingers the the third cord you didn't explain at all were to put your fingers. Good teaching just wish you would explain finger placement for each cord that would help me a lot please explain the c cord

sanam saeb says:

yo da man marty …. love you teaching rockon bro

Kim Cady says:

2:46 Reggae!!! LOL!!!! That's why I dig Marty. Entertaining and informative…

Isaac Ixtupe says:

What tempo should I use on the metronome?

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