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Mark Knopfler on Guitars

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Taken from “Soundbreaking” documentary © 2016 Higher Ground LLC



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Mark Knopfler Russia says:

Happy birthday Mark!

martim gamersall says:

What’s the name of the first style of music that mark plays on an acoustic?

Antony Gilbey says:

Wow 58 Gibson no wonder he kissed it.

Antony Gilbey says:

I wish I could play like that ,but I guess we do.

VintageTexas59 says:

My favorite guitar player, what a talent !

Learning German online says:

Really cool / thank you Mark Knopfler – always inspiring …

Ean Bruette says:

I’m so happy to see that I’m not the only one who kisses his Les Paul!

H Mel says:

This is a great video

James Bond says:

Wow…he just looks like a next door neighbour showing you a few licks …until you realize what he is playing ..and how well he is playing it!!!. Something to strive for!!!! I like when he says when "musicians" get together they like to play the 20 chords in 2 bars type of things..but he likes the finger picking G C D folky stuff. He is more soulful. I wish he would do something with his brother again …patch things up. Be a wonderful album.

fishbelch says:

The greatest guitarist that ever lived.

Mike Riesco says:

If you've never heard of a guitar, these 14 wonderful minutes with Mark are the best introduction I've ever come across.

Ralph Kniebel says:

Es macht Spass von Dir zu lernen

ZX R-CADE says:

One of the all time great guitarists playing some of the worlds most beautiful guitars 🎸

Curt Bentley says:

He's the reason I picked up a guitar 5 years ago. Still a beginner, but man it's been a lot of fun.

altar7 says:

Cool guy. Cool life.

Bn Gibbs says:

Guitar at 9:29?

Valentina Farrugia says:

He has so much talent, hopefully one day he makes it big and gets heaps famou5.

Andrew Greiner says:

I learned more in the first 3 minutes of this video than I did watching 5 hours of other teachers. This man is in the elite levels of life, a living god at his trade.

Matt Bachelder says:

cant believe the number of thumbs down on this

Chris Eggleton says:

yes he has worked hard for his rewards good player and legend hey Mark click my pic mabey have a listen to "Night Train " there is a few there i would humbly appreciate your comments , the BeeGees vocal backups got me going years ago regards Chris

Márton Repka says:

Fingűer specialtech

Mr Invader says:

i watched this again and caught that his father made the slide tubes .. thats . beautiful! i wonder if he plays with the same ones?

Mr Invader says:

the only sad thing about this video is .. that it ends ),; .. he's such a pleasure to listen to . he could discuss the ins and outs of reading a phonebook and it would be magical… then he adds his artisan approach to guitar? pure enjoyment!

ich bins says:

ein Genie !!!

Badness Bob says:

The little kiss he gives the '58 Les Paul just says it all. What an absolute legend and so bloody humble. Brilliant.

WienerTash says:

Fuckin guy is a wizard

Zenon D'Elee says:


Great years..

John Sheehan says:

What an inspiration!

Esoteric Elliot says:


Lalith Vithana says:

Mark is my hero , has been for a long time

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