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Mark Knopfler – Sultans of Swing (Fender Stratocaster)

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Mark Knopfler and John Illsley from Dire Straits discuss the discovery of the 1961 Fender Stratocaster and how the iconic sound influenced their music – Including the track that started it all, ‘The Sultans of Swing’


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mojopin 70 says:

First Dire Straits record is still my favourite.

farnyone says:

Sure plays a mean guitar

Labhansh says:

His voice reminds me of Johnny cash 🙂

Mike Degregorio says:

Chet Atkins said Mark was the best vibrato player he ever heard!

Erick Hetfield says:

Some people need to acquire some taste and respect.

c fedyszyn says:

That song gave me chills. Really. A stunning song not of mere humans.

Rico Rodrigues says:

magic…..its magic…..

david anders says:

Pure Magic.

Facudiaz Nicobo says:

por que es tan groso! enseňame!! le diria si pudiera, ojalá hubiera un maestro así para aprender a tocar. ahre

leahbrettt says:

The man Mark Knopfler is an Absolute magician. My hero

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