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Metropolis Bass Solo by John Myung

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John Myung of Dream Theater breaks down his bass solo from Images and Words


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RavionUltimate says:

He's the reason why I chose to learn bass.

Nandito Firdaus says:

for stupid peoples who dislike this video. wtf dude ? xD

LimitIsIllusion says:

"there's a bass solo in metropolis where i do a bass solo"

IAM Batman says:

is that a fretless bass

HeHoZy says:

If i would be as good as him i'd spend all day on the streets of Helsinki with a bass and an amp bragging. And he… Rarely talks, warms down after a gig and makes everything look like he would be playing smoke on the water.

Ryan Mcgregor says:

He makes it look so easy.

Pekka Laitinen says:

This must be really good CGI or something, John Myung can't talk


John Myung raped and killed a girl in 1991. The case was dismissed on the grounds that she "walked it off."

Arthur The Aardvark says:

John Mayer is such a great bass player.

Paul Speers says:

He sounds like kirk hammett?

Rama Afriza says:

kimak !!!


helal ağam

Edwin Winter says:

He's got a voice, he's able to speak. More interesting: I just found out he is not a Robot… OMG!

Travis Janot says:

Yo dawg! I don't always tap…but when I do…it's when I do a bass solo during a bass solo.

tamousha says:

What a calm soothing voice this man has źzzżz

Mauricio Sanchez says:

wtf!! he is a clon. the real john myung cant talk XD

Daniel T says:

john once fingered a girl…
she died

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