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My One Year of Playing Guitar Progress

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So here is the video of my guitar progress. I’ve been playing for nearly a year. If you want more guitar videos please let me know in the comments. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for watching!


SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/album/4bATHbsdg5h5IrrDtLxoAR

APPLE MUSIC: https://music.apple.com/ua/album/cold-sunshine/1466686252?i=1466686255&app=music&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

My instagram:

Check my guitar friend out! https://www.youtube.com/user/abrildel85

Songs in the video:
1. Back in Black – AC/DC
2. Pride and Joy – Stevie Ray Vaughan
3. Purple Haze – Jimi Hendrix
4. Master of Puppets – Metallica
5. Nothing Else Matters – Metallica
6. One Step Closer – Linkin Park
7. Hells Bells – AC/DC
8. Whole Lotta Love – Led Zeppelin
9. Rock + Roll – EDEN
10. Symphony of Destruction – Megadeth
11. Toxicity – SOAD
12. Black Dog – Led Zeppelin
13. No Good – Kaleo


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Sham 950 says:

I’ve been playing guitar for over 2 years and I can’t do any of the stuff you played, I think that’s a bad sign…

callisto says:

i just started learning it and this inspires me so much :)))

: says:

hi! what guitar is that? the white one

Fresh Memes says:

Ichika has found a worthy opponent

Milena Wyglądacz says:

what is the name of the first song?

Mathius Ochoa says:

3:56 what this song?

HellLxves says:

This is just so cool. I love this, And this got me inspired to buy my own electric guitar and learn how to play it. 😀

G r e e n B e a n ・ 97 years ago says:

Notice how she keeps wearing the same earrings in most clips? And she is REALLY good and this video was 2 years ago, imagine how good she is now

Александр says:

сколько же тут хлеба

Aung Zin Myo says:

me(a beginner) watching this after my first online guitar class: i'm gonna be like her one day and i need to practice harder
my index finger:b*tch stop
i can't stand this anymore

It'sNotAPhaseMom says:

I can never get my left hand to sit on the strings right

Potato the lesbian says:

Question: I've been wanting to play electric guitar for a while (I've been playing acoustic for about 7 months) but I just cannot get the hang of using a pick. It just feels really unnatural. Is it possible to play without a pick? If so, are there any disadvantages to using my fingers?

Arikikazukitoji says:

I can’t compete with an acoustic

Taya Hanson says:

I will never be as good as that cause that's talent gurl!

TA MAX TV says:


K. Marf says:


_Asuna_ says:

I just want to sing to your music…)
So much memory when you hear familiar melodies)

zofia says:


zxskxz :b says:


Angelique Picado says:

What is that first song called bro I cannot remember

Nprps GT says:

girl you are so skillfull my goodness ! that one step closer by linkin park note got me i swearrrrr i am so inlove ! was it hard to do it ? i mean learning it cuz i am using acoustic guitar now and 0:48 part was on fiiiiiire

Sapryyk says:

Это очень круто😍

Alayshacook says:

I’ve been playing for about 2 years and I can only do strumming 😩

꧁Christopher꧂ says:

imagine having Back In Black as your first song

killfuf fuflik says:


aimee says:

wait i know the first song from somewhere but i forgot 😭 what is it called

Prince Daniel says:

3:00 one with the wind?

Gavin says:

A Girl who plays guitar ❤

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