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Nothing Else Matters by Metallica Acoustic Cover (w/ Tabs!!)

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The Real Eric Mitchell says:

It feels awesome knowing that this guy actually replied to me once before he passed…. How did he die though?

cristhian B says:

Thanks to you i learn my first song, and just today i find out you passed away, i dont even know what to say, thank you so much for all the lessons. Rest In Peace Matt

Richard Pleash says:

What a great teacher! Sadly missed RIP.

The Super says:

RIP mr Matt, greatest teacher ever .

Jason Suicidal says:

terrible to hear he passed away, I just found his channel. RIP matt, say hello to cliff, dimebag, jimi, randy and lemmy for me

Jibin Thomas says:

RIP Brother..teacher…friend….

Yohan Vijayan says:

Rest In Peace Matt!😢

helloimatapir says:

R.I.P. Matt

Danjoker says:

Rest in peace man

Steven Thomas says:

@Nostril Person hammer on 5th fret and immediately pull off 

FlamingSwifferDuster says:

What does 0h5p0 mean?

lopez moreira says:

dude congrats your guitar sounds really good

fixxxer928 says:

Bear in mind if you're young your hands are still growing but with enough practice that stretch will be easy in no time. That stretch is not a bother for me, i can do also 0 5 5 1 and if i twist my arm i can even make it to 0 5 5 0 (behind the nut, on the headstock). Just keep practising it, this song took me ages to master.

KarolakGaming says:

240 p … we meet again

yasseralezz says:

This his video's sound quality XD

String Control says:

sounds like an elictric o.O

String Control says:

Uhh as for an advice go to finger training videos do them alot and btw u can make songs inspired by finger trainings right now the 0 5 5 – 2 is ( so Cute ) 4 me lmfao ; )

radioleta says:

Im 18 years old that coment was written 10 months ago. I don't know why I couldent but now it seems very easy to me. May be it was because I were starting to play guitar. Is is not about length its about elasticity.

Focohi says:

@ExtaliaS It's called a amplifier, and his having reverb on. Please, learn something about the subject before you commenting on it.

Kyle Beckmann says:

ok, so where r the tabs lol

Hadi Zamka says:

@GoalTVable Standard

Arman Yeghoyan says:

what is the tune?

Jānis Kuncītis says:


fakru razee says:

850 just don't know what is nothing else matters

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