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OJAY the Hendrix of the Bass filmed by Michael Boyers

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WeZte says:

He is a veeeery good bass player. And plays a Squier. So stop thinking you have to spend a lot to be good, practice more!!!!

Liz Hagar says:

Man your great!!!!

Poor Little James says:

Check out my acoustic cover of Ain't No Sunshine if you like music

kuldeep singh says:

That's awesome.

Giraffa Camelopardalis says:

Talent detected

buddybeetle says:

I keep coming back to this. So good. Okay should be endorsed by Fender for this wonderful playing.

minherv says:

and nobody to stop for earing him???

Sp Ps says:

watch out royal blood and jack white…. we are not down to ONE person with serious talent

Дмитрий Козылбашев says:

слушать с третьей минуты

fireside007 says:

YOU ~ ROCK ! !

Jeff Clyburn says:

fuckin' awesome!

Tom McCarthy says:

He should play with Les Claypool

David Ellis says:

Man, that is just ripping! You are freaking Awesome!

bEASToUTtHEbOX says:


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