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Paul McCartney teaches bass

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The Bass Master himself teaches a little of his playing technique in this “fair use” excerpt from a promo vid for his latest album (you can buy the full video at nowplayit.com).

I think it’s interesting because of the closeups showing his fingering style.

Also interesting I think is even though it’s “very simple” root notes, he still slips in little flourishes to give it some shape, like at 00:51 where he goes C-“F”-D (instead of straight C-D), and how he slides down from F-E at 01:07 keeping the string open instead of muffled like the rest.

The most interesting part though I think is his discussion at 02:27 of how he was “tempted” to put in “fiddly bits” at the one part — jumping up an octave — and why you might do that if you’re feeling “adventurous.” I guess that’s what musicianship is all about, when to do things like that and when to show restraint (he didn’t do it in the final mix).


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Sir Garrington says:

Well done. Easy interpretation, W.

Molly Wright says:

Ok here's an idea: Paul needs to start a YouTube channel where he teaches bass

bassman1975 says:

I  have been playing bass 30 years. I never heard of this guy? what band was he in?

Megan Largent says:

You can still see his personality from way back when even when he's at this age…

vinyl rock says:

Paul McCartney rocks best beatle

teppolundgren says:

Paul's fiddly bit sounded like Come Together for a moment.

Marc Bell says:

Let's all chip in to buy Paul a new bass.

Atomicflash500 says:

teach us a bass line like you did in Something not your new garbage

glassroom135 says:

Imagine if this was a bass tutorial for something like i want you…. Just paul and his bass laying that down. Man.

KISSfanmax 2009 says:

My Bass is different so I got the chords (gettin' then down)

Gilbert Leonard says:

what name of the song?

Mildred Escoto says:

Can't explain why I'm so in love with this man lol

The Baobabs says:

His hands are beautiful!!

Ray Small says:

Thanks Paul. I am listening and studying each day, I have played bass for many years as well as guitar and mostly sing….we had a rockin jam session last night….drums, bass, lead guitar, me singing and a female lead vocalist.
I have sung and played Rock , Country, Blues for years SO KEEP ON ROCKIN PAUL!

L0r3n2 says:

this fake Paul is pretty good

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