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Playing THE FORBIDDEN RIFF in a Huge Guitar Store

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Music is Win says:

We should all play the forbidden riff at once. They can't stop all of us.

GUITAR PLAYERS! If you want the best guitar lessons in the universe, here you go: http://guitarsupersystem.com

Check out all the gear in this video: http://bit.ly/MIWsnamm19

EvilNerd05 says:

I don't get it… Why is the Stairway to Heaven riff "Forbidden"?

Smoke and Mirrors says:

I'm glad about this unwritten rule, my least favorite song by Zep, not even saying it was a bad jam but for me it got over played the hell out of.

MJ Schriemer says:

There's an awesome giant music store in Germany (musik yroduktiv) where they actually have a list hanging all over the guitar section with songs you're not allowed to play…

christian black says:

I thought it was "smoke on the water"

JC says:

Dude you were 3 when Wayne's World came out. Stop perpetuating this BS 'forbidden riff' crap. You didn't watch that movie til 10 yrs after it came out, I bet.

Nobody's gonna kick out a paying customer over playing ANYTHING. I'll be damned if they're gonna stop me from testing a guitar if that's what I know how to play.

Thicc daddy Issa says:

I don’t even know how to play but this just made me feel uncomfortable 🥴

Overcooked Donut says:

So, im a bass clef boy. Can someone translate that shirt for me?

Paul Rogers says:

That’s funny as hell the look on your face when they make you stop playing.

Ultimate Driving Machines says:

Do people not know this is fake tho?

Mom and dads last dance says:

How come “ no Stairway “ is a real thing at all guitar shops?

CAZ32TT says:

I’m dying to understand this forbidden riff thing. Why is stairway forbidden? Who decided this. I absolutely love that it is, I just wanna know why? I’m gonna try this for drums and see what happens, lol.

Kirk Lazarus says:

I dont understand why the riff is forbidden

Alejandro Vazquez says:

The only people who are allowed to play stairway in a music store are 13-year-old kids who are just starting out.

Rafariz says:

I think is bc of Copyright issues?

Taco_maniac103 says:

whats the song on 2:59 please someone

aqdrobert says:

Will someone stop you if you play the Forbidden Riff on an air guitar?

anonymous guy says:

4:40 peace and minecraft vibes

Neet says:

Does anyone know what he's playing at 11:31 or what chords he's playing at the start till the end? Thanks for reading have a good day.

Hanzo says:

so that's why your not allowed to play the forbidden riff smells like teen spririt 🙃

cochinaable says:

Yeah right! This is staged… he told them to stop him from playing the riff…. just for this video…

footsoop says:

fun fact; it's actually called "the forbidden riff" because they couldn't license the song and were FORBIDDEN from including it in any redistributed releases of the film. that's why the riff wayne begins to play sounds nothing like stairway. only in the theatrical US version did he actually play the stairway riff in the movie. gotta love extra meta humor that sticks to an entire culture of musicians.

Alex Cardwell says:

Yeah, if you stop someone mid Riff, the player should be within legal rights to go Pete Townshend and break that guitar over your head. Doesn’t matter if you’ve heard it 1,000,000 times… Who the shit are you to tell someone what they can’t attempt. Don’t be a dick.

That said, I know he made them do it

Stephen Seed says:

Mabey smoke on the water

Stephen Seed says:

Should have played freebird……

brad h says:

The ultimate forbidden riff is Smoke On The Water. And if you really want to go all out, use the wrong intervals.

supriadi kartadarma says:

cant play the riff /get bored, dont be a guitar salesman then….

TAFAQ says:

Что тут происходит? Я не понял. Это всё ваше западное правовое поле?

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