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Anonymous says:

My mom always told me not to believe TIK TOK …😐😂

War Gaming says:

I guess the cameraman‘s 🫥

Oreo Rat says:

The camera man is invisible 😂

preppyxizzie says:

so you we have an awesome guitar program here

Benjamin Nilanth says:

Invisible camera man
Not again

Harry Donlon says:

"wherd you learn that?"

Him: TikTok

Lylah says:

Tickles your fancy LOL

Raditya Ramadhani says:

do you guys have been watching alip ba ta channel?

SoundHorde says:

Don’t recommend this video

Silvia Anchondo says:

Bro really just said tiktok 😒

Mo X says:

Bro why do you keep doing the same videos I don’t understand

Crazy Fox says:

From where you learned it
The answer TikTok

Elizabeth DeBenedetto says:

He should’ve said simply guitar

Adam Supek says:

Cameraman : not here

Frog Queen says:

The plot is the same every time 😕

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