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R.I.P gary moore , best guitar solo ever probably

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Check out my own cover of Stevie Wonder Superstition here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf3yJr2xN74

Me playing some improvised Blues : https://youtu.be/orNZYd1iDsE

I dont own this video , a tribute in memory … most i could do. Its shot during 2010. May his soul rest in peace . You will always be remembered as one of the best musician and guitar god ever to walk on earth!


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LMA UK says:

Just look at that audience, for fucks sake they're totally wrapped up into what the Moorster's doing. They're drifting along and feeling every note. He's totally got them in the palms of his musical hands hook line and sinker. Even the chicks are into it. Name me another guitarist that could do that to a crowd other than the great Hendrix.

Gary Moore was more than an axe man he was a fucking awesome, outstanding, creative, emotive, blistering, thunderous, melodic, technically gifted, musician.

May God enjoy every moment of his playing now until we all are united again and can listen to Gary as much as we like, forever after. Amen.

mark mccord says:

Switzerland is more than just clocks and chocolate!

Haydn Samuels says:

Mickey Flanagan absolutely crushing it!!

Sharron Clark says:

Why is it people like this foul mouth idiot don't understand good people aren't impressed with curse words! What they think it makes them sound cool or something? They have no talent at anything so they think I'll just throw a nasty word in here and people will listen to me! What a loser!

Sharron Clark says:

I bet your mother is proud of you and your foul mouth fool!

victor dunavent says:

I remember paris…

Dave Saenz says:

Randy Rhoads are the best solos ever. But this is good.

E Post says:

Ok, I know I'm going to piss some people off….but all I can say is ……BORING…… 3 string high gain noodling……but I'm glad people like it….makes it easier for us guitar players…….

K R says:

Wait!! Hot youngish women mesmerized in a trance for a seemingly older, heavy set, rock guitar player playing an 8 minute solo??? Is this a guitar cult guru? Good stuff!

Subroto Gupta says:

You cannot hide talent.

Cat 1990 says:

Can't touch Jimi

Cobb Knobbler says:

Why such a serious vibe? I'd rather watch Jr. Brown. Yea, Moore is a fuckin awesome player. But it's just kinda too serious for me.

Ted Ashby says:

Aaron moser

Ted Ashby says:

Thank you ted vanderpar for introducing me to him in the 80’s.

Paolo DiGiorno says:

Gorgeous honeyburst Les Paul❕

Chris Bobiak says:

You Tube algorithms are a funny thing – just ran across this Dec 11/19. Did Gibson make a custom Les Paganini for Gary? My fingers started bleeding just watching.

Hooverdarnit says:

There's a million teen agers in their basements playing as well as him. A lot of them are on YouTube.

Richard Carlson says:

A sick under rated guitarist

Michael Quinn says:

Check out Roy Buchanan if you love Gary. Roy wrote "The Messiah Will Come Again".

U.P. Woodtick says:

Sorry although he is fantastic, but he is no Billy Gibbons

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