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My dad letting loose on fretless for 23 seconds #bassguitar

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N3gr0damus1 says:

Man hitting portrait of tracey

Gio says:

I need bro on a track

bassman494 says:

Nice Ken Smith too!!

Jason Cotter says:

nor all the church donation money's going to now.. lol only joking. you know what Ken Smith's cost you, you get the joke.

Jason Cotter says:

that's a Ken Smith isn't it????

CliffHuxtableSweater says:

I would’ve strutted in that church w/ my new 5000$ Fodera bass, saw pops sittin there in that suit and grey mustache, flexed w/ my 3 or 4 modern gospel licks… and then got my @$$ beat by this gentleman and then left that church as the most humble bass player on the planet…🤦🏾‍♂️ #WhenYouTHOUGHTYouWereHot

Declan Miers says:

So clean…dannng

Kerizma Rolle says:

Ask him to play Donna lee by having next 😂

Серый says:

все черные умеют играть на бассу (с) Картмен

Kerizma Rolle says:

Fret less guitar sounds like jaco pastorius. Good job

j z says:

WTF no frets

Parker Huish says:

This is fantastic.

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