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Scorpions – Still Loving You – Cover by Damian Salazar

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Scorpions – Still Loving You – Cover by Damian Salazar

In this video you will see how I express a melody that comes out of my soul and people are forming a circle in the street to see what is happening. This version is improvised to leave even the smallest detail that flows from my being to deliver a spiritual message through music with my guitar. At the end of this song everyone applauds. I hope you can share this version of ” Still Loving You ” .


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Damian Salazar says:

Thank you very much for being part of this YouTube channel. You can contact me at the following email to purchase my ONLINE GUITAR COURSES: contactdamiansalazar@gmail.com🔥🔥🔥

sniper00014 says:


Luiz Alvin says:

Parece a música originai toca demais eu vive nessa época era as música agente não esquece marcaram época Deus abençoe

Ameu menes Vlog says:

Kren top guitars

John Perevuznik says:

Holy crap Damian Salizar's Technique Far outweighs Rudy Shanker by a mile. This dude is Powerful

Marcio marques de oliveira says:


Terry borgara chanel says:


thanh hong says:

Tuyệt vời

Aduha Dx says:

Anyone knows the "Still loving you" cover with different softer version by an Asian dude alone in his late 40s!!?? Can't find it nowadays.

Arez Sagara says:


YAKUTE Oficial says:

Essa guitarra deve ser MUITO RUIM né? Levando em consideração que a CADA NOTA QUE ELE DÁ ele afina uma corda kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Argieval Morana says:

Pro guitarist, but overplayed,

Nikolai Petrov says:

Металлический ШУМ. Дребедень на каждый день. Попробуй на нормальной гитаре…
Metallic noise. Obsolete Humbug. Try normal guitar if you can.

Jim Cook says:

Not since Blackmore have I seen a guitar player use a switch that much!!

john helems says:

I wish he would he would quit messing with shit and just play

David BATSCHELET says:

J'adore ❤

Nicholas Quadros says:

Well played bro you are a genius. You touched my soul. Bless you. Jesus is in you. I can see it and feel it.❤

seliwa Kong adjit rawa bokor benda says:

Wow OMG is the best skill guiters…we like that…Gogo…broo

Edi Lisyanto says:

Waahh.. ternyata ini lebih jago dari bang alibata


Играет ништяк , ток че он крутит все постоянно , нервы …

Rini Rini says:

God is the best

Ny Nurhayati says:

Salaki euceu ge maen gitar na jagoan da.. pokona kawat gitar th nepika paregat we😂😂😂😂😂

Dazzling Star says:


Melmar Miras says:

I proud you very nice I be live you a guetaries God bless.

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