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Skyrim Meets Metal

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Kekistan Sanic says:

Man plays an amazing performance of skyrim theme in metal

Tsukaiden says:

Hello, I really like your metal fusions game music, i make gamevideos for youtube, and my question is … can I use some of your thematic videogame songs for my game videos?

trey says:

I just jizzed playing Skyrim vr with this song playing

Daniel Esteves says:

Im not a metal guy but this is really sick!

John Giles says:

Divines bless you travel may you die with a sword in your hands

Bernardo Duarte Gouveia says:

it's super !

David Yeakle says:

Skyrim's soundtrack should have been metal to begin with. I mean come on it's a game about a viking who activates his magic powers by shouting eating the souls of dragons. What could possibly be more metal than that?

FlyDee says:

Epic bard 😂

Ethan Wong says:

No one wanted to believe that something so epic could exist… But when the truth dawned, it dawned in METAL

Garrett Zimmerman says:

could you put midi drums for that in the description please and thanks

Destiny video's says:

i loved listening to this video 3 years ago and it still good now.

tomasz Wiencek says:


GoldenMotoYT says:

my KX65's engine when it beats a CRF 110 in a race.

whisper theemo18 says:


Caty Six says:

Me Encantó ♥

Grevoron says:

I found the Aedra of Bards. Kneel.

Xa Agripha says:

Youd be rad on a tesla coil amp,shooting lighting at a strum

Kaiden Smith says:

My two favorite things in one video

Muted Metal says:

Sik beni erock baba

CABOOSE27x says:

i made this the theme song inside my game at the menu <3

clampfan101 says:

It has a few down moments, but mostly awesome.

Morvay Rómeó says:

Én nem szeretem a Metált , de ez király-
Malukah büszke lenne rád (Y) Grat (Y)

Vladimir Simic says:

Dream it! Love it! Now we have it.

Stelian Anonymous says:

This man is the hero prophesied in the elder scroll of metal who will save music

Trevor Belmont says:

I have something you would never be able to make into Metal. You accept the challenge?
Make a metal version of Animal Crackers in my Soup.

Boden Langlois says:

you are good,did you teach yo self

Boden Langlois says:

yes,you are metal born,i friggin' agree!

Mitchell Williams says:

When dovakin hits star power xD hahaha..like if you get the joke

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