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PilloTheStar says:

Q: What color is her guitar?

A: Calvin Klein

Cliff Rench says:

I don't know if you remember me but I commented a few years ago and told you that I loved your f**** music in that you're beautiful and I just wanted you to know that my name is changed I had to get a new Facebook but I'm still watching you and I still love your music stay hard at it Merry Christmas

Bubu patian D says:

Amazing 👍


Yup boys it's mandatory to show off your Calvin Klein

James Patton says:

All I’ve ever seen you play is just a tiny riff ! Can you actually play the whole song ? I can teach a chimpanzee to do what you do. Oh, and the chimp will have clothes on.

Игорь Кузьмин says:

Классно играешь 👍👍🎧🎼🎼😉

Kewveg says:

OMG Joan Jett

Levi Atkins says:

Pretty damn clean even tho it’s not different

Oamien says:

Come on! I spend almost half a year of my life learning this and this girl can just hop on YouTube after not even practicing it seems like and just be half clothed and get crazy likes. I wish I was a girl sometimes🥲

Florian Gramsch says:

That’s slower than the og😂

Danny Death says:

Hello stranger nice jam maybe we could hang sometime

Anna Bulgariu says:

Interesting… but that's not the right way to play.. right? Should be chords inversions in there.. right?

Billy Green says:

Love some triple 7 😘

pundugaes says:

10млн просмотров!

Джони Стрелок says:


jmj jim says:

Just want to ask. Are you OK? Your smile is always sad. Your eyes is something else

Иванов Андрей says:

Вид рокерши из девяностых но это очень прикольно это моё всё

Alex Fox says:

А музыка последний гвоздь в мой гроб вбивает.

Alex Fox says:

Меня убивает твоя улыбка 🥰

Hari says:


Pavel says:

Я один вижу как стучит еë сердце

Андрей Жуков says:

Красивая девушка проститутка.

Шу Береке says:

С каждым разом всё лучше

calvin rice says:

Just a lovely lady 😍😍😍😍


you look like my ex who stabbed me

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