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The CAGED SYSTEM explained

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In this video I explain what the all-important CAGED System is all about. The CAGED System is the key to finding your way around the fretboard.

This is not for beginners. If you find this confusing I suggest you visit my site for a plain English look at how music works. Start at this page http://www.guitarforbeginners.com/music.html and work your way through it all.

The PlaneTalk package I mention, which will teach you “The Easiest Yet Most Powerful Guitar Lesson Of All”, is available from http://www.planetalkguitar.com. Below are just some of the many reviews I receive, starting with the great Tommy Emmanuel:

“A fresh and new approach to helping young and old to have a more complete understanding of music and the guitar. Well done, Kirk.” ~ Tommy Emmanuel CGP
“The whole PT idea is truly a brilliant concept and has improved my understanding of guitar playing beyond all recognition. I just can’t thank you enough!” ~ Zap (PlaneTalkers’ Forum)
“Well your PlaneTalk book Blew My Mind! I have been trying to understand the relationships between Chords, Scales, and the Fret Board for many year. So to see it so simply laid out was very revealing. I sure wish I had had you book some 25yr ago when I started playing.” ~ Ryan from Thailand
“Please accept my sincere thanks for your PlaneTalk efforts – truly outstanding work”. ~Dennis D (USA)
“Wow! The book made me feel so dumb and so enlightened at that same time. All these years I never noticed some of the things your book showed me.” ~ Eric from Georgia, USA~
“I did my first read-through of PlaneTalk and watched the video last night. Super stuff – I am very impressed. Years ago I used to claim to my AI students that intelligence was the ability to see differences where others see sameness and to see sameness where others see differences – that puts you off the scale in music IQ, I reckon. ;-)” ~ Aigeezer (PlaneTalkers’ Forum)
“I have had PT for about two weeks now and can safely say it is the best thing I have ever purchased.” ~ Knight46 (PlaneTalkers’ Forum)
“Hi Kirk, I received your Plane Talk book, dvd and slide rule. After watching the dvd and using the slide rule, the guitar fretboard is finally making sense to me! … I have never heard anyone explain the fretboard like you do in this course. It really makes understanding the fretboard easy. Thanks very much! ” ~ Esko (Toronto, Canada)
“Just wanted to write and say a big thanks for Planetalk. For years I’ve been fruitlessly searching for a way to link together the little pockets of guitar knowledge that I’ve been plugging away at – and you have provided that link through Planetalk. … So thanks again, and hats off to you!” ~ gogogoch (PlaneTalkers’ Forum )
“I just wanted to complement you on your usefulness practicality of plane talk. Having played guitar for a good while..ive been through the modes/scales and various caged minicourses..I should have found yours first…cuts to the meat of the matter…your slide rule will stay in my guitar case…..you need to make a permanent version (hard plastic) as I will wear this out!” ~ Bert (USA)
” I’m absolutely thrilled with the product- in two weeks I’ve learned as valuable an approach to studying the guitar as I have playing it over the past 11 years. Everyone should learn to play this way. Thanks very much and kudos on a great product. Best.” ~ Mike from New Jersey, USA

And that’s just some of them. If you’re still struggling with the guitar, with the art of improvisation in particular, PlaneTalk is the answer. Why wait any longer? http://www.planetalkguitar.com

Kirk Lorange


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Thomas Pham says:

I wonder if anyone else is lost starting where/how F fits in the CAGED?

Jack Bjork says:

awesome video! this made a lot of connections in my brain for me. playing guitar and understanding guitar are two different things and videos like this definitely help me understand much better

TSWA says:

very helpful thank you!

Dyers88 says:

really good video. As long as people realise that there is no 'easy' way to learn guitar and there's no substitute for practice. But this is a great way to learn chord shapes, nice one Kirk

lilla says:

Hi, I'm just wondering if you know all the notes on the fretboard by heart (and find for example all the C, E and G's that way) or if you just memorize all the shapes?
and what do you recommend doing? 馃檪

Bill Bee says:

i never learned this stuff and I've been playing for over 30 years. I can play the pants off of 99.9% of people

aries waters says:

I do not get it .Sucks butt I must need to find the lesson that would come before this

bakerXderek says:

Great vid man, very well spoken.

Kevin Lee says:

last one. Sorry for asking so many questions… How do I solo out of chords going everywhere on my fret board? Should I use a caged system or what?

Kevin Lee says:

if i get this caged system, will I find fingerstyle arrangement easier? cause it takes so long to arrange a fingerstyle song without caged

Kevin Lee says:

aye at 5:45 u know how u show all the scale for each chords how do u do that… without making.a mistake? I've watched this over and over again and i still don't get how the chords come out of caged system.. please help (I'm really good at fingerstyle but don't know these…)

Finlay Balfour says:

The "C" chord isn't a C. It's a C/G (C with a 2nd inversion)

ShaBle's Bigfoot Search says:

smooth style bro. i wish the internet was here 25 years ago lol when i first figured out this but its always good to hear someone with a different perspective on improv lead solos and what they tend to lean to or when your searching in your head to find a new riff in the mist of a lead to always find your 1 3 5 s in whatever fret postion you happen to be close to finish off a riff. thanks for your insight

myprivatelibrary says:

The narrator rules. Listen closer.

Jong Sun Jung Jeong says:

I need help. I'm decent at playing guitar and I can play fingerstyle but I don't understand the number 1(root?),3 , and 5 and why they're called major chords. Im self taught and I'm trying to learn music theories but I'm just clueless in these

TheTenebrianMachine says:

Wonderful! subscribed

Steve Mineer says:

Guthrie Govan sent me here. I understand this is a good way and exercise to learn the fretboard but little musical value. In the end solo, are you using the system to dictate what you're playing to show the system at work or is there something more going on? Or is the point of the CAGED system only to learn the fretboard to open up possibilities? Thanks

trufisp1 says:

sound and fury ….signifying nothing….if this ''helps one understand western music'' ….you are lost ….bye bye ..

xPNova says:

4:14 Can someone explain what he's playing there?

Rob Schneeberger says:

So when you use the CAGED system to solo over chords the main takeaway from this video is to know what chord shapes happen at different roots across the neck. That way you can solo over chords without having to always play pentatonics with a 6th string root note or rely solely on scales to stay in key. You can play the c power chord from the A string root (3rd fret) and it will be the "open A" shape of C and all those notes that are a 3rd or a 5th from there in the chord will be good for playing. I think that is the general practice of the CAGED system. Knowing which chord shapes happen where allows you to play a variety of notes without having to move your hand much on the neck or feel stuck at a certain spot without knowing where else you can play..

thisiskingjames says:

thank you mr. Kirk!!! big help…..

Nomadbeat says:

30 years I've been wondering about this but not getting it… until now – thanks! it's opened up a new door in my mind!

Nedyah52421 says:

I've been hearing bits and pieces about this caged system for almost a year and never had the conviction to learn it until I ran across this <10 minute video, and I have a completely new understanding of the fretboard that I can work from now and didn't have before. Thank you so much!

facu orona says:

I bought a guitar book 3 years ago, and it had a chapter named CAGED system, I read it thousand times but I麓ve never understood it.
Today 3 years later, I watched this video and fully understood everything.
you麓re a genius kirk! thank you!!

ron0784 says:

You lost me in the first two minutes. The diagram of the fret board is not the way it looks to a student when he is facing an instructor. The nut would be on the聽right and聽the bass E string would be on top and the notes going up the fret board would run from right to left. a lot of times it is difficult to determine which fingers are pressing a string. It also don't help to show 4 or聽5 聽little bitty cord diagrams making the student try to find the right one then try to catch up to the instructor. The only diagram needed is the one being played.

Mario Ramos says:

Damn… this is awesome! Thanks so much. Subscribed instantly.

住讬住讗讬 住诪讬讬谉 says:

you are a fucking genius

osi says:

This makes no sense to me. Guess gotta learn all the theory and terms first and coming from a country where we used do-re-mi… I still can't wrap my head around the ACDEG etc system.

sonicgauge1 says:

yah thanks here as well!

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