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The Godfather (tremolo) #Shorts

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The Godfather on guitar with tremolo #Shorts
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@ZloyVorchun says:

За что Герасим утопил свою Муму…

@olivierlavigne7311 says:

Pas mal le ruban adhésif et le moulinet

@giangtruong7040 says:

I like fishing but my parents want me to learn to play the guitar😂

@nerdnautas6270 says:

Esse cara é um gênio, caramba 👏👏👏

@GeRoIn_NoIzE says:

Всего 1 вопрос: На чём ты НЕ можешь играть? / Just 1 question: What can't you play?

@BlueSpirit. says:

Cool! You need a direct output pickup, but the flapping noise is percussive. 😊

@user-uu4qm7ml8b says:


@roselynd1586 says:


@user-do1sd3cy1o says:

참 희안한 놈이구만

@lamantedeipiedinifemminili2846 says:


@mariarios2669 says:

Con la nueva tecnología, engañan a mucha gente

@mariarios2669 says:

La melodía solamente lo hace el piano, la guitarra nada

@RizByk says:

Poco se habla de que el piano se toca solo

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