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Top 10 fun, "easy" guitar songs you should know! with TABS

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Ten fun songs to play on the guitar, with tabs! Have fun playing these songs, and make sure to try ’em all ;-)!

Electric: Fender CS ’97 Relic Cunetto Stratocaster
Nylon: Ortega Honey Suite
Steel: Collings OM2H


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Paul Davids says:

Don't feel bad if you think some of these song are still pretty hard! The label 'easy' covers a wide range of difficulties because it's a very subjective word! It al depends on for how long, and how intensely you've been playing. This a list for beginner, and some maybe even intermediate, level. If you play guitar for the first time, you can try Rumble and Intro, those are really easy. The other songs will hopefully help you to get the next level of playing as soon as possible!
Never feel bad about what you can not play, feel good about what you can.

captain awesome says:

too much talking.shut up

Conkr CsTf says:

First riff I've learned was Dammit by blink 182. Next step is WMAA!

Jason Gabler says:

Thank you so much for teaching Cissy Strut. Never even dawned on me to learn how to play it, but so glad I can now.

IPlayzTheGamez says:

this video has definitely given me a whole bunch to work on :L

Danil Sports says:

10:04 thats me try to remember the notes of a song i learned 2 weeks ago :DDD

GreenCup, BlueCup says:

Your D Chord finger placements look like F6 or Bmaj7 chords.. lol.. was confused for a bit but hey.. I figured it out.. you are playing a D chord with the illusion of using your middle finger.. or are you ?

Marcus Berggren says:

Going back in your catalogue of videos. very interesting!

Ronald Grant says:

Is that a Tone King Imperial Mk2 ?

RogerOK says:

Pls stop shaking ur guitar..

Rusty Baker says:

Paul! I've had that app! Had no idea it was yours!

Vladislav Mikhailov says:

Thanks for Lilly Wood) Cool song)

Roof1975 says:

So Johnny Cash gets full credit for hurt these days? 🙄😂😂

Jesse Polansky says:

Can you please make a video on the picking pattern for Romanza

Miro Stanimirov says:

In case of the App Loopz- it is NOT "shameless self promotion " , but an valuable Info for all!
Because- the app is sleek, easy to navigate, HELPFULL and people have to be informed where good stuff izz

Miro Stanimirov says:

Loopz is your App!? Funny, because I use it since at least a year and watch your vids same long time… Only now understanding it is all YOURS:- O
Yo, I love diving in search for good spots for clean clams and than gather some for lunch… Are you also the guy who invented clams?
Oh, dude, the waves! You do them too!?!? Awesome
:))ok. Jokes aside, the App is really good, mate. Congrats!

Amanda Teoh says:

1:45 Never been prouder to be an android user… Also my respect to you for opting to start there first, it is quite unconventional choice and usually one laced with mockery 😂

Jason Rounds says:

is LOOPZ available on IOS yet?

Graham Cruickshank says:

Got it, thanks..

Santiago Ramírez says:

4:32 was literally the first song I learned on the guitar, so cool to see it here 🤙🏽🤙🏽

plazaskateco says:

Saturday nigth!!! Awesome tune!!!🙌🙌🙌

imfpredicts says:

I've used loopz for years and I can't speak too highly of it. I didn't realise who made it but I can't be surprised.

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