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Unbelievable guitar solo

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This solo have to be one of the fastest improvising in the world!.. Rly cool stuff. This man is awsome


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Mahmoud Qudimat says:

is that shaun Michaels ?

It's Candy Time Boys and Girls says:

Boring, predictable, noisy and lame.

bulger020 says:

Its impressive how just adding speed will make noise out of music.

rockin roy says:


Alexandru Badea says:

Can someone tell me what's the 728th key he's playing in called?

VirtualDvid says:

poco feeling…

Ultimagtr650 says:

Sounds like my fax machine on fast forward…..

matt martian says:

its funny how people complain about no soul.. I don't think this was meant to persuade anyone about how much soul this guy has. Merely a guy playing some fast licks.. that took him dedication to learn… so yes its impressive and cool. People who want to listen to others.. do so.. no one is stopping you .. this wasn't a rock album etc. and admit it .. rather have a Ferrari or Honda civic? you don't have to drive 150 mph everywhere, buts its nice to know you can if you want. 

BOBBY D says:

Just look at his fingers, dexterity! Who is he? Thanks for not voicing any frustration at me Sean!

David Lee says:

i would rather hear a David Gilmour sol anyday than listen to this crap

Mohammad Azhar Bin Khidzer says:

@18RustinPeace18 There's a balance between speed and expressions and those are in my opinion one the better guitarists, any of such guitarists and bands that do those well that you can recommend please? 

Stody Huber says:

thats fast, but ugly! For me music needs a soul. Hear the solos of Clapton or Gary Moore, then you know what i mean …

torogami2 says:

It's not improvising, but it is just a warm-up.

gaararocks444 says:

Here's a hint to all you people complaining about this being a bad solo. It's not a solo, it's Rusty practicing before a gig.
So yeah, shut up.

2kosher says:

what matters above all else — even melody — is speed, right!!?

Burlington Banking says:

Most of these kind of weird sounding sweeps are not made up to express any feeling, but just to demonstrate technique, because to play these, it requires a whole lot of skill and practice.
Of course, also weird sounding sweeps/shreds can express something, like for example chaotic, unsettling feelings. It depends on the guitarist, I mean look at Jason Becker: He is (in my opinion) the best example for combining (speed) technique with beautiful sounding melody.

jaydaintith says:

Hurts my ears, what a horrible racket. Poor guitar…….

Symphonication says:

Listen to Jazzmine's Song…

BelgianCovers says:

where's the emotion? 

Genocode says:

This is not a solo, he play scales. He is good.

ilovehaterzzzz says:

i have heart, i have feeling, i have soul in my music, i grew up playing hard core music, learned on green day went to metallica then as i lay dying and A7X then the black daliah murder then i realized the soul of music and went to playing blues mostly, i can still play all of that but the only thing i was never able to master was the sweep, and this man probably cant play anything but the sweep but im still amazed at what he can do

epo says:

the speed is not the thing but the sound. and this doesn't have it

HaJun5002 says:

indeed great guitar player but to be honest: sounds like shit.

SendThemRunning says:

Its quick as hell but sounds but sounds like shit.

Mrbenji 264 says:

But why do it in you underpants¿

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