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Victor Wooten – Isn’t She Lovely

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Bass Clinic at MaKo Music, April 23, 2012. Filmed by Jason Werner, Audio by Scott Griffin.
Victor put on this clinic at a local music school in Mechanicsville, Va. He and the school’s owner, Matt Koon, had worked together at several of Victor’s music camps, including one that was flooded by a storm which resulted in all kinds of mayhem! He decided to put on this free clinic at the school, and this is one song from that day. It should be pointed out that this was at 8am Sunday morning, and during a torrential downpour. Victor showed up, picked up the bass, and absolutely shredded for about 30 minutes straight. Then he answered some questions from the crowd, and was just a great guy all around. He also signed a bass I brought. Thanks for all the great comments, I hope he sees them!


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