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Bria + kratos says:

As a hammerist, this is truely how you play pickles.

Still_def_not_lexi says:

As someone who's been taking piano lessons for 2 years, I can confirm that that is how you Solve world hunger.

Torres González José says:

What's the name of the first song?

Prince Marty says:

I winced every time he slapped the guitar 😂😂


Are we not gonna talk about how quick this became a meme xD

Jonathan Freitas says:

Nice Poster my Guy 😎😎

Nathaniel Wayne Edayan says:

as someone who participated in the school band and is a snare drummer i found that he plays basketball really well

Silvia Baldini says:

as an Italian guitarist and pianist I can confirm this is how you make pasta

Peter griffin says:

yo that was sick

Will says:

As a guitar player I can confirm this is the sound of a cello

Razz101 says:

Can we just talk about the poster in the background lol

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