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Andy McKee – Rylynn – Acoustic Guitar – www.candyrat.com

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CD “Art of Motion” available at www.candyrat.com itunes (http amazon (amzn.com Rylynn – Andy McKee Original Song


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olive378973 says:

너무 로맨틱해요♥♥♥

Juan Daniel says:

wow I just thought of something very original! I’m pretty sure all the hair on his head crawled down to his face to be closer to the music

xXxSammiLoverxXx says:

YOU ARE SO FANTASTIC! You play with so much passion and soul. I love it. :’) I actually shed a tear. Mainly because it’s so passionate. I have showed so many people in my family. My friends. You are amazing. Please. Keep up the good work. (:

Adam Whitney says:

Hello everyone 🙂
I know most of you probably pass up these kind of comments, but for those who are still reading this, thanks!
I don’t have any money for advertisements, no chance of getting heard, nothing. I live in such a small town…
If this comes off as spam, sorry.
I’m an instrumental songwriter from Columbus, Mississippi. Please go to my channel and check out my original music.
It would be highly appreciated if you thumbs up this comment so my music can be heard!
Thank you,
Adam Whitney

iamspartacus29 says:

Please don’t steal comments to try and get thumbs up. It’s lame and is indicative of low self esteem. Try and be your own person – if you can’t think of anything funny, that’s fine. I’m sure you’re good at other things 🙂

cobycracker says:

240p for safety reasons 🙂

Paulcanplayguitar says:

Andy is a legend. I actually met him and have his autograph from his show in philly last year.. If anyone is interested, I’m a young guitarist with a couple original compositions up. I’d be honored if any of you could stop by and have a listen!

COFiveUK says:

check out our acoustic video and let us know what you think 🙂

mattsun1999 says:


yeswunlin says:

good job



wony480 says:

I love it

bce5150 says:

A complete masterpiece. This is art.

Mario Di Gen says:

t’è piaciuto?! 🙂

CoversOfGoodSongs says:


Colonel Mustard says:

Jon Gomm will blast your nips off

Valdemar Mendes says:


Meeraz Pokharel says:

wait for the weirdest shit, in 5 years or less, he will have his hands covered with hair.

acmckay12 says:

Picked up this album around the time it was released a few years back. Still in awe when I see him play it on YouTube. Awesome music

dlow969 says:

What are the chords used?

KharvEu says:

By your logic, this man would have some of the most hairy pubes and upper legs in existence as the rest of his bodily hair would wish to be close to the music too.

4Zoot says:

Check out Jon Gomm. I think there’s competition.

4Zoot says:

Pretty sure all the hair is on his chin because he probably has alopecia that mainly affects his cranium but he still has the capability to grow a beard.

Markie Doodle says:

possibly the best ever guitarist.

darunia843 says:

This was very mean.. Please, look at yourself in teh mirror.

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