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Daft Punk – “Get Lucky” – Bass Cover

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Thanks to everyone for watching!

Below are some helpful links:

Tabs: http://advancebass.com/transcription/get-lucky-bass-cover-tabs
Audio: https://soundcloud.com/bassroshi/daft-punk-get-lucky-bass-cover

Part 1: intro, http://youtu.be/La2KKyBIRu0
PArt 2: verse and chorus http://youtu.be/5bzn2yxs19Y

Sorry for the low budget editing, I used Ableton live to edit the video hence the rough jump cuts.

This video was pieced together from 1 session, ( not 1 take ), it’s not played through but it is possible.

I did play it live, 1 take, on Global TV, it’s a bit faster because I was nervous but you can watch that video here: http://globalnews.ca/video/723593/jim-bennett-get-lucky-on-bass

There are also a bunch of articles about what a crazy year it’s been for me.
I think this one sums it up pretty well:

Also sorry about the panning, it’s from a patch I used in Ableton live, I certainly won’t use that patch again in the future.


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Pablo Mendoza says:

blessed fingers

José Dores says:

Try to listen to Gorgle Friend's bassist… It's an advice from a musician.

David B says:

You’re incredible man, really

BarryBass 13 says:

Good cover
I have covered a Taylor Swift's song check it if you want

R S says:

Great !! May i suggest "Congabass" by Eric Serra ?

Daniel Hanson says:

My appreciation for this instrument grows everyday. Too bad I started with saxophone.

yusuf resist says:

you're fat but great vid

Estórias do Teatro says:

Why do people have talent and others (like me) do not have???


chandler havely says:

very nice notes

Alexsandro Pereira says:

Sinistro simples assim!

PlayRaw says:

wtf these skills are amazing


Great job bro…!!

MrAlex3461 says:

*rolls joint*
*puts on repeat*

Cristian Aguirre says:

Woow genial

Stacho112 says:

This is a master of bass skill, thank you.

Felix Hindemo says:

According to Facebook I apparently shared this video back in 2013. I can hear why!

tru jay says:

genius and totally hard working hats off.

Thunder Runner says:

jesus, is that you?

S G says:

wow… viewed the news clip. Hope you are doing well. Not just amazing skill this is a born gift. Good to hear you are using it more nowadays. The world is a better place for it.

Drade says:

I've played bass almost all my life, and I went to a national jazz festival last year placing third! And wtf I will never be able to play this lol

billybobb11 says:

Dude is sick!

Winstonjesus35 Dominguez says:

insane level

Davide Mele says:

you know what, listening to this, with my headphone, It's like to spin around, seriously.

texdycat channel says:

breath taking😍

Eric L says:

Dude… MAMP issue. You free?

rodneyriddnauer says:

Michael Hedges baby

rodneyriddnauer says:

Net City. Good Lordt!
Strong work man.

Ariel says:

You went my inspiration to take the bass. Thanks.

Лорд Асдергод says:

awesome when high,just try it)))

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