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Eruption Guitar Solo–Eddie Van Halen

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Eddie Van Halen’s Eruption guitar solo. Different from original recording, this is the live version.


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Flavio Traversa says:

Wow it's fantastic!! But have you heard the prog band watergate? Check out the new Watergate – Beginning EP here on youtube!

wildirishrose01 says:

Oh my God. This hurts my teeth. It reminds me of a dentist's drill.

VideoNash says:

There will never be another like him…
Although, I like the studio track much better…

Still: 3 thumbs up on this production.

Will prop says:

this is just pure non sense shredding

MiriamMonroe says:

That sweet little smile!

Lightspeed says:

Where is Anoydall trolling this comments section about EVH not being god and saying he's tooting like ricer cars?
Are those years over? He did it for literally years.

Chalon Bembry says:

evh is sloppy

Craked Up says:

That's fucking cool

James Montegomery says:

I'm using this to break in my headphones.

Ricky Phillips says:

I read comments thats why Eddie holds best rock n roll guitar in the world since 2012

The Fine Divine says:

Eddie brought tapping and tapping harmonics into a bigger picture which just revolutionized the guitar world. Wether you hate it or love it it effected most likely how you play today somehow. Cause guitarist watch and hear eachother and learn from eachother to create works of art so if in any way you think he sucks or provided nothing but a bunch of noises then may I ask what is music but a bunch of noises.

InfernoMods says:

yngwie malmsteen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eddie van halen

aswin sabu says:

i like it

Manfred Altmann says:

Well, I'm torn between two minds when watching this video. While I appreciate the guitar wizardry here, but being a guitar player myself, I would, even if I could do all these feats Eddie Van Halen shows off here, never ever dare to bore the shit out of my audience by soloing along for almost 11 minutes. I always have a bit of a problem with those guitar players who think they are alone on stage and everyone in the audience has to adore them over and over…

german desposito says:

Este violero es un gran violero pero no fue el que inventó el TUPPINGS NOOOOOOOO. Soy de Argentina.

fanboys247 says:

Today I too am thankful that I'm not an ordinary fanboy, voluntarily skulking around a shitty wank video like this, vulgarly "defending" it on a national holiday, like some Gollum-like creature, or an ISIS mucho macho. I'm thankful I took this shit off my mix tapes again long ago.
What an atonal music-free hysterical stale, nigh 50-year-old wankfest this is; Ed's like a hamster running in a wheel running for his life but going nowhere, or like a teen boy putting a fart can on a Ford Pinto, parking it at Walmart and revving the engine into the red over and over and over and over for the sake of screech

edsnotgod says:

today I'm thankful I'm not an ordinary fanboy, voluntarily skulking around a shitty wank video like this, vulgarly "defending" it on a national holiday, like some Gollum-like creature, or an ISIS mucho macho. I'm thankful I took this shit off my mix tapes again long ago.
What an atonal music-free hysterical stale, nigh 50-year-old wankfest this is; Ed's like a hamster running in a wheel running for his life but going nowhere, or like a teen boy putting a fart can on a Ford Pinto, parking it at Walmart and revving the engine into the red over and over and over and over for the sake of screech

downincognito72 says:

Just amazing……….

shinkilrah says:

jerking off the guitar

Mo, The Conservative says:


David Courtney says:


nick davis says:

i know the guitar is a frankenstrat but apparently its a strat mixed with something else can anyone tell me what though?

Fabio Guitar says:


Sander Cohen says:

Jimmy Page >>> Eddie Van Halen

k re says:

Greatest guitar solo ever

Mahmut K says:

Porn for ears.

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