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How To Play Guitar for Beginners : Playing Exercise 1 for Beginning Guitar

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How to play exercise 1 for beginning guitar; get a professional beginner’s guitar lesson from a professional guitarist in this free instructional video.

Expert: Bryan Billhimer
Bio: Bryan Billhimer is the lead guitarist for platinum-selling rock/pop band Blessid Union of Souls. He is also a songwriter and engineer.
Filmmaker: matt senatore


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lester lake says:

though these seem to simple,they are good finger exercises.

GeorgieSimmonds says:

looking for videos to send to my girlfriend who is learning guitar to play with me.
this is terrible, the low E string is the 6TH STRING NOT THE FIRST. 
thumbs down people go look at another video. also, he doesn't explain the tab at all he just points to it expecting you to understand. 

Freex Necroanim says:

I was expecting more

Easy Guitar Lessons says:

Where is lesson 2?

Zinger873 says:

It not that fucking easy

Marwa khatab says:

I play using a Coin 😀 😀
it works 😀

TheLonelyElephant says:

I ate my pick

jess Msp says:

i lost my pick -,-

NovaFlareWing says:

I am doing this for 2 reason to get laid and to play most of the anime openings i listen to

Anastasia Andrews says:

What guitar is that i see it is a Gibson but what model beautiful

Rick McCargar says:

YouTube is such a cool resource for learning guitar. When I started, I didn't know anyone who played, there were no videos and I hadn't seen any magazines, so it was about 2 years before I learned to tune my first guitar.

Now you can find lessons at any level, love it!

Ryan Abellera says:

what if my pinky can't reach ?

GingerBeard says:

How about you go stand in a fire and go promote your crappy book somewhere else? :3

theFox says:

is it just me or does the guitar sound like a piano?

probably because of the strings in the piano…

Helena Cromwell says:

If anyone is struggling with motivating their child to practice – this little $3 ebook is full of games and great ideas. Go to Amazon and search, 21 Practice Tips by Helena Cromwell. Thanks Brian for a systematic teaching method.

CourtneysNoneExisting Life says:

Please check out my channel please

celesjoe says:

help my pinkie is too short to reach the fourth fret D;

Ronan Passman says:

this is so confusing when i want my guitar to make noise it doesn't and when i don't want it to make noise it does.

Kimberly Hager says:

Well anybody with a mind would guess that a fret it the line thingys…
And thank you mr guitar dude
You gave me a better lesson through a video than the dude at the guitar place in person

Jaleah Powell says:

Thank you. This was very helpful

Evan Shively says:

no…but it would make it easier

Khamis1203 says:

So i cant get my fingers to all stay down at one time my first 3 work out fairly well but my pinky sticks up and my pointer finger and middle finger wont seperate lol

Kausalya LovesElmo says:

OMG it's damn hard

davidCASHczirok says:

Sorry but this is so easy my 5 years old bro did tht

HeyJudeee18 says:

this isn't for fucking beginners

Orlaith O'Brien says:

I play guitar because of Taylor Swift. Like this comment if u are the same! xox luv TayTay! 3

Gio medina says:

I want to learn Jane Says !!! >:O that's why I'm doing this..

Fag Nipple says:

2:29 hahah he said g-string

Marija Elena Jelinić says:

I'm gonna break some bones in my fist…

TmanTnT1234 says:

no but it is easier if you have one

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