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Jimi Hendrix- Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock

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VEry talented man he was R.I.P


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Karen Diane says:

This is the sound of kneeling for the national anthem

Zec Nenad says:

svirao je americku himnu to niko nije dosada uradio nesa serbija

Soraya Esfandiary says:

Horrible horrible mess. I still don't get the all the hype about Jimi Hendrix…and look at all the dirt under his nails, I can just imagine the stench.

virtual moogly says:

just that's why he's playing. but was'nt he handsome?

Melinda Durbin says:

James Marshall Hendrix was is and will always be the best guitarist of all time

Rickey Joyce says:

He didn't just play guitar, he played life!

Lex says:

Overrated, but if you show americans a pile of shit and tell them it won an oscar or some shit, they'll take pictures of it and tell their friends. That's how the "icons" of this nation were born

ultimatum1895 says:

Do you feel like a hero?

DanforthSalunek says:

This is a pretty bastardized version of the national anthem

lealsan says:

Santana in da house !!!

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