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Mark Knopfler Classical Guitar

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Imagens de Mark Knopler ao melhor solo de guitarra, Classical Guitar por Mark Knopfler.


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Bicheiros Americano says:

bom dimais

Mauricio Dante Antongiovanni says:

Único, magnífico!!!

ashish yadav says:

its a piece by mason willaims. Nor eric neither mark covered it. However i have seen tommy e attempting to improvise it.

Norm W says:

I have this exact recording on the Mason Williams LP ' Hand Made ' (1970). It is still his best studio version, without the orchestra part! This album has other good songs for people who like Williams' writings. Very funny that the comments of Eric Clapton or Mark Knopfler get on the top of the list. The myth of a Clapton version was probably created due to that Clapton might have said he liked this version. ' Unplugged ' has some similarities in sound on the tracks with Nylon guitar, and there the story ends.

Tony Woodhouse says:

If it's not Mason Williams it's a damn good copy. I would say it's identical to the version of Classical Gas on the Hand Made album.

Lloyd Stolworthy says:

I saw Mason Williams play this once in a music store , and you can't tell its not him here. Awesomely done.

knotulf70 says:

metalica tune?

Dave Keays says:

It was MWs attempt to modernize traditional repetoire so no, it isn't classical in the traditional sense, but neither is anything played on the guitar which until Andres Segovia was just a toy. The original was titled "classical gasoline" but was misspelled.

james carnley says:

no retard its mason

sandyg.pdx94 says:

the name of the song is classical gas. whoever named it got it wrong.

sdhulber says:

Knopfler is actually playing What it Is in the video

Mike Litoris says:

Why did you post this video lmao. This is Mason Williams

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