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Van Halen did NOT invent tapping!!… This Italian guy did in 1965!!!

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michael sowa says:

Eddie van Halen at Smithsonian ,during interview said he never invented tapping, he never even claimed he invented tapping. All he did was master it and after playing with les paul he just reinvented some technical playing and master his craft. Wish people stop saying false shit makes players look like cocky assholes and there not. They played as kids busting there fingers day and night practicing. Edward May not be the best player but he is the best at his craft. He invented his sound only. That's it. All great players invented there sound. George Harrison one the best invented his sound like ed that you know who is playing by one bar. Just a stroke and you know.

Haydn Po says:

Wonderful. Eddy Han Halen l love your guitar playing but bro, this guy exposed you. l wouldn't call him the originator because double bass players do this all the time because they play percussively. It"s still wonderful to watch and listen to him play though.

TheLostOne says:

Eddie just made it popular

Mathieu says:

Eddie probably see this video on youtube before us

Wes Northcutt says:

Imagine this guy…hooked up to a Marshall…and a "few" effects…ed wishes he could do this….

moose knuckle96 says:

Great player,but like Dee Snyder said…".Play it thru a cranked Marshall and Ride The Lightning Bitch".Word.

Wes Northcutt says:

this clown didn't do it first either….eddie had his influences jimii didn't…

stoatlord1976 says:

Frank Zappa was doing tapping long before Van Halen. And Zappa said that he picked it up from watching old recordings of a ukulele player back in the 1920s. Nobody actually knows who invented it, and it could have been picked up and invented spontaneously by several people without reference to each other.

Shelter VAGUES says:

assholes! many tag and no name of the artist, assholesssssss! (nacieron pelotudos estos)

Stephen Dedalus says:

I don't care about the tapping, but his All of me was pretty impressive. But I suppose you wouldn't find many jazz players in a video about tapping…

Akiraki says:

Someone can tell the song name in 3:10?

MagCynic says:

I mean, I remember figuring out tapping before I ever saw someone do it. It's a pretty obvious thing if you're learning guitar and just messing around with it.

Wes Northcutt says:

Neither this guy (who is very good imho) nor mr I invented the electric guitar ….ed van halen…but he claims to be…ppl have been experimenting w/stringed in-"strume" nts since the invention of whatever it may be…from guitar to the banjo…nobody EVER said "hey use a pick its the only way" c'mon this stuff has been around since the dawn of music, don't be so myopic to think this is a 20th-21st invention or some kind of breaking of new ground…b/c it isn't….

Andrew Scarpulla says:

Hate to burst your ignorance bubble, but this guys didn't invent tapping, nor did Eddie Van Halen, nor does Eddie claim to, and everyone already knows he didn't.

Ethan Kim says:

I don't think you can "invent" anything on an instrument, it's more like discovering a new technique. On the contrary, invent means to create something new that has never existed before so I guess coming up with a new technique or a skill is an invention but you still don't really know if anyone has ever came up with it before you. To conclude, we should stop bitching about who invented 'this' and who invented 'that' because in the end of the day, it's all meaningless and a waste of time to argue over it. Just like how I wasted my 5mins on typing this comment.


Zakas Mutiny says:

Drummers invented tapping day one of the stringed instrument invention…who are we bullshittin?

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