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Nothing Else Matters – Igor Presnyakov

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Buy this song on MP3! Go to www.cdbaby.com www.facebook.com www.igorpresnyakov.com Nothing Else Matters . Arranged and performed by Igor Presnyakov


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Bruno Ticianelli says:

Google Translate….

Adam Whitney says:

Hello everyone 🙂
I know most of you probably pass up these kind of comments, but for those who are still reading this, thanks!
I don’t have any money for advertisements, no chance of getting heard, nothing. I live in such a small town…
If this comes off as spam, sorry.
I’m an instrumental songwriter from Columbus, Mississippi. Please go to my channel and check out my original music.
It would be highly appreciated if you thumbs up this comment so my music can be heard!
Thank you,
Adam Whitney

David Black says:

1 word:  amazing

InuDemonGurl says:

Ahhh I love this! Really talented man. Gave me chills. Making me love Metallica even more haha

WOTforevo says:

Игорь, вы были рождены с гитарой в руках.
Igor, you were born with a guitar in your hands

Marco Pereira says:

Wow most amazing version of a nothing else matters. I would love to be able to play it just like you, wow I’m still in shock in how amazing this was. Great Job!!!

Bruno Alves says:

(y) fantastic

redapple0007 says:

he is İgor and nothing else matters…..

camilo rincon says:

viejo yo estoy intentando practicar percucion en la guitarra y ya estoy cansado de buscar paginas, y hay muy buenas pero tiene uno que pagar (eso da mucha rabia) deberia ud enseñar algo, o hasta incluso pasar algunas tabalturas seria de una gran ayuda mas que su trabajo es una buena inspiracion

Василиц шевченко says:

Игарёк ты красава молодчюга я тоже гитарист на колени становится не буду но уважаю как бы с вами пообщатся?

CoversOfGoodSongs says:


cuauhtemoc rodriguez says:

igor eres el mas cabron de los cabrones eres genial

Amyrshanin says:


MattMOBR says:


Adam Whitney says:

Hello everyone 🙂
I know most of you probably pass up these kind of comments, but for those who are still reading this, thanks!
I don’t have any money for advertisements, no chance of getting heard, nothing. I live in such a small town…
If this comes off as spam, sorry.
I’m an instrumental songwriter from Columbus, Mississippi. Please go to my channel and check out my original music.
It would be highly appreciated if you thumbs up this comment so my music can be heard!
Thank you,
Adam Whitney

TheDeemarik says:


chizh11 says:

what about balalaika? Алексей Архиповский this is the diamond

Macropus9 says:

Igor himself is a band )


eres mi idolo

jetlyz says:

Это лучшее что я когда либо слышал!!!!!!!! Хочу так уметь играть!!!!!

James Hetfield says:

Three guitarists could be better than 2.

CallMePwnY says:


Luis Rodriguez Avila says:

& kirk hammet??? xD

AssAssiNMeSSixD says:

Мне вот интересно, как это может не понравится?! Кто те, кто дислайк поставили?Они , что, глухие?

tiltof says:

Grand Merci a toi de partager ton talent …

Юра Мегатрон says:

but where does the vodka?

vladimir9770 says:

dude just respect for you i can’t think of anything else to say

tomek12342008 says:

miszczu gitary


Da, vodka!

nickfailure says:

I bet vodka brought you here!

1983Juvenile says:

amazing!! greetz from germany

celmetal says:

hola mi nombre es omar, soy de argentina, igor sos uno de los mejores guitarristas que vi en la vida

hi mi name is omar, i´m from argentina, Igor you´re one of the best guitar player i´ve seen in mi life


Adam Whitney says:

Hello everyone 🙂
I know most of you probably pass up these kind of comments, but for those who are still reading this, thanks!
I don’t have any money for advertisements, no chance of getting heard, nothing. I live in such a small town…
If this comes off as spam, sorry.
I’m an instrumental songwriter from Columbus, Mississippi. Please go to my channel and check out my original music.
It would be highly appreciated if you thumbs up this comment so my music can be heard!
Thank you,
Adam Whitney

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