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Top 10 Guitar Solos

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********PLEASE NOTE********* This is Part 3 of series, for
– Eddie Van Halen, Steve Vai, Buckethead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUX3-A411v4
– Eric Johnson, Rush, etc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg8_Aa9Ns6A

For classic rock and hard rock/heavy metal instrumentals, check out the links in the playlist.

Criteria: no instrumentals, one solo per artist.
It takes a whole band to rock, but these solos will make you roll. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as count down our picks for the top 10 guitar solos. Special thanks to our users “DatMan”, “blackwaterpark”, “damissinglynk”, “frozono04” and “Joseph Kabak” for submitting the idea for this video at WatchMojo.com/suggest 🙂

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Stéphane Julien says:

simply wonderful

mariana morales says:

Genial 😮

Joseluis maciel peña says:

y donde quedo carlos santana

Mr BroTahTO says:

pantera domination or floods should be here

sadface. jpeg says:

watchmojo sucks dick

Alex Sabo says:

This has got to be one of the worst top ten lists I've ever seen. Sorry WatchMojo, but this is simply brutal. It seems they tried to play it "safe" with this list by picking songs, not solos, from a given artists' biggest hit. I agree with Stairway, Freebird, Highway Star and Hotel California. Absolutely. However, the rest of the list is wishful thinking. Westernstar nailed the landing with Sultans of Swing. I would like to see the solo from "My Sharona" on here as well. As for Floyd, I think Gilmours' best solo was from Another Brick in the Wall. Eddie Van Halen was ignored entirely….Where's Eruption? DUH!!!!! To round out my humble list, I would like to see "Let There Be Rock" (Angus wasn't even mentioned) and finally, Hendrix's Little Wing. Honorable mention goes to ANYTHING done by Stevie Ray Vaughan, the solo on "Little Fighter" by White Lion is brilliant as is Autograph's "Turn Up the Radio"….anyways, that's my two cents…..

Jim Fogerty says:

And they also forgot Mark Knopfler in "Sultans of Swing" and Angus Young in "Thunderstruck".

Jim Fogerty says:

They forgot Van Halen's "Rock Eruption" and Peter Frampton's "Do You Feel Like We Do".

inK Steel says:

What no VH

Fin Niall says:

Ever heard of van Holen?

Trent Stubbings says:

I surprised that angus young isn't up there he is my no.1

Jasmin Pichler says:

metallica – disposable heroes!!

Trevor Dawson says:

Cannot believe this biased video. Guess you have never heard of Mark Knopfler.You lot at Mojo must only listen to American copy artists or the odd British ones.Dire Straits plays your top ten off the stage.If you need to listen to solo's or rift's I recommend you watch Alchemy Live by Dire Straits,you will learn a lot.Enjoy.

Air tempest says:

Comfortably Numb is Pink Floyd's best song but does not have the best solo of all their works. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1)'s main bass riff solo at the beginning and end is excellent, Wish You Were Here has an excellent acoustic solo, Have A Cigar has a great heavy tuned solo, Us and Them has a great mid solo, Echoes multiple solo's, If's middle 5/4 time solo, Sorrow's entry and exit solos, Run Like Hell's upbeat and dancing solo and Goodbye blue Sky's middle solo.

jokermann 1000 says:

should really just shut that bitch up and play the fucking music!

Rene Siemieniuch says:

No Eddy???

Ángel says:

Journey – Of A Lifetime
This Solo should enter the top
Like, I really liked to be first pink floyd

Curran Martin says:

Not having "The Number of the Beast" on here is criminal

J'adore Almería says:

My favorite solo is The God That Failed by Metallica.

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